Iron Man 2
Writer Justin Theroux, director Jon Favreau, and comic-book legend Stan Lee discuss the next chapter of Tony Stark in the lead-up to the highly anticipated sequel to 2008's summer blockbuster Iron Man.
Bringing Back The A-Team
Joe Carnahan, Stephen J. Cannell, and Brian Bloom talk about big action scenes, CGI effects, villains with moustaches, and their work on the upcoming feature-film version of The A-Team.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Scribe Melissa Rosenberg dishes on the experience of writing The Twilight Saga and discusses why she was on the edge of her seat while penning the screenplay for the third, and latest, installment in the series—Eclipse
From Script to Screen: Winter's Bone
Winter's Bone writers Debra Granik and Anne Rosellini relied on the authentic voices and settings of the Ozarks to guide the adaptation of Daniel Woodrell's "country noir" novel.
Rushing the Reveal: ScriptShadow
Screenplays have been reviewed online before, but a year-old blog called ScriptShadow is raising the sneak-peak game to a new level.
Timing, Prayer, and a Powder-Blue Pantsuit: Selling and Creating Just Wright
For someone who once experienced homelessness and came out successful on the other side, obstacles in Hollywood seem far less daunting. Screenwriter Michael Elliot recounts his inspirational journey to Tinseltown and the pitch meeting that sold his modern-day Cinderella story, Just Wright.
WGA Arbitration: The Good, the Bad ... and the Ugly
Think because you wrote a produced movie that you'll receive screen credit? Don't be so sure. Script takes an in-depth look at the WGA arbitration process.
Lights, Camera, Confidence
With more writers making the move from desk chair to director's chair, the question on many a scribe's mind becomes: How can I do it, too?
Potluck Cinema—Finding Your Voice & Finding Your Film Festivals
Did you know your film has a treasure that can be given only once? This is known as the "World Premiere" ... and it is what every film festival wants. Find out what festivals are looking for, asking for, and whether or not your film fits with their focus.
There are several paths to making a career as a successful professional screenwriter. For many aspirants, one excellent route is to participate in screenwriting competitions. Find out which contests best suit you and your script.
Your Script is Finished, Now What?
A finished screenplay gives a well-earned, heady sense of accomplishment to a writer. But it is a literary work that has never been seen before. Here's a guide to choosing a script-consulting service that can help take your project to the next level.
To Hell With Structure
Every aspiring writer should be an expert on structure, especially the three-act form. But not every compelling story out there can be so easily shoehorned into the sometimes simplistic format ... much success can be had in scripts that break structure.
Script Secrets: Method Screenwriting
For a script to be good, it needs to be something personal and emotional. But, for a script to sell, it needs to be something commercial that millions of people will pay to see. Learn how to use events from your own life to create a box-office hit that is actually your personal story in disguise.
For more info, click here!
- Bill
TODAY'S SCRIPT TIP: Dramatic Decisions - and a GREAT Ben Affleck movie.
Dinner: BBQ Chicken Salad and sweet potato fries at Fuddruckers.
Bicycle: Yeah - had to get there.
Movies: HARRY BROWN at the Arclight.
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