Wednesday, November 23, 2016
RIP: Dan Arnold - Mentor
If you have ever taken one of my idea classes or bought the Ideas Blue Book you have heard me talk about the Magnification Method... which I learned from my teacher Dan Arnold in High School drama class.
Dan’s class was a refuge for the freaks and geeks who were shunned by all of the cool kids... so it was my home while I was in High School. If you couldn’t act, Dan put you to work building sets while he taught you the fundamentals. Eventually, everyone got up on stage - even if it was just to play some small role. We became a family - with everyone rooting for a performer when they landed their first role. There were no filmmaking classes in my highschool, a terrible creative writing class; so this was the closest I could get to doing what I loved. Dan was the father to all of us - or, maybe the favorite uncle. He encouraged us, teased us, gave us confidence - and pushed us when we needed a good push.
Dan passed away Thursday from a heart attack. I don’t know how old he was, but I am not a young man and he wasn’t one of those young teachers... I figure he was around 80. He lived a full life - and was one of those people who lived life to the fullest. He leaves behind his wife, Silva. He lives on in his students.
Dan had some unusual ideas about High School Drama - he *never* did a play that might be done on some local community theater stage. So we never did a musical. Never. Dan liked to pick edgy and interesting material - plays that were more likely to be banned in high school than performed on some high school stage. Yeah, we did a couple of Neil Simon comedies... but instead of playing a romantic lead, I was more likely to play a killer or a victim or a guy who discovers that his fiancĂ© may be a lesbian, or one of those malcontents from an Albee play. Because there were more girls than boys in the class, one of Dan’s tricks was to do some dark edgy mostly male play... with the roles reversed. Robert Marasco’s thriller about violence in an all-boy’s Catholic school CHILD’S PLAY ended up being in an all-girl’s school - and the violence was even more shocking!
Before getting my first role, I built sets and usually ran the prop department for shows. Once I did some special effects on Gore Vidal’s cutting social satire VISIT TO A SMALL PLANET. These were great confidence building jobs for a geeky kid - we built flats from scratch and had to treat it as if we were doing a Broadway show. Things had to be done *right* and Dan would show us how to do something and then expect us to actually do it - and so we did. You lashed flats together as if a building inspector might be testing them later that day. If you screwed up, you kept at it until you learned to do it right. The cool thing with props is - there was no real budget, so you have to beg, borrow, steal. I had to make advertising deals with a local furniture shop so that we could get some banged up floor models to borrow for the show. Dan kind of forced us to do things that were frightening and required social skills we probably didn’t have - and this build our confidence so that we could do things we never thought possible. If I needed a sofa for a show and the furniture dealer didn’t want to give me one, I had to find some way to get him to change his mind. Trust me when I say the ad in the program of a high school play that no one was ever going to see isn’t much of an incentive. Dan pushed us to do those things that scared us, onstage and off. I think the first time I landed a role onstage... I still had to do props!
I could tell all kinds of stories about Dan and the drama department, but instead I have a better idea... I use his Magnification Method frequently - probably even used it today when I wrote a scene. So that Dan will live on, here’s how that method works:
Sometimes you have to play a character who is absolutely nothing like you - how do you *think* like them? How do you understand their motivations? How do you becomes them on stage so that you give a believable performance? I played killers a couple of times, and at that point in my life had not killed anyone... actually, at this point in ,my life I have never killed anyone, and I don’t think it is likely that I ever will. I’m pretty much a pacifist who would rather reason with people that get into any sort of fight. So, how do *I* play a convincing killer?
Have you ever gone to bed in the summer, turned off the lights... and had a mosquito buzzing around your face? They always seem to target your ears. You swipe at them in the dark, but hit nothing... so you get up and turn on the lights. And can not find the mosquito *anywhere*. So you flip off the lights and slip back into bed and... buzzz, buzzz, buzzz. You flip on the lights again and give a *thorough* search of your bedroom - can’t find the mosquito anywhere. Turn the lights off, climb into bed... buzzz, buzzz, buzzz! You become more and more frustrated and angry! At first your plan may have been to open your bedroom window and shoo the mosquito outside where it belongs... but after a while you just want to find it and kill it, and if this keeps on going - you want to *murder* that mosquito. This has happened to you, right? Maybe not a mosquito, maybe it was a fly. Once I had a cricket hidden somewhere in my apartment that would make a ton of noise as soon as I turned off the light. I tore my apartment apart one night trying to find it - and couldn’t. That cricket eventually stopped chirping - natural causes - but if I had found it I would have SMASHED it. Okay, if you can understand killing a mosquito, you can *magnify* those emotions and understand killing a person. Someone whose “buzzing” is driving you up the wall.
This is a technique that can help you get into the skin of someone completely unlike you. There is some similar small experience that you have had that can be magnified into that larger than life character - and you can know how they feel. Playing a character whose wife just died? Have you ever lost a pet? In one of the Blue Books, maybe Protagonist, I use Magnification to show how to identify with someone who has been falsely accused of murder. Since I write about many people unlike myself (I sit on my ass and type all day), I am constantly using the Magnification Method that Dan taught me many years ago to figure out how this character would think or react. You may never have had your best friend confide that he just offed his wife and made it look like an accident... but you’ve probably had a friend tell you some secret you wish they hadn’t, and then had to pretend like it didn’t effect the way you thought of them. Dan Arnold’s Magnification Method!
So, I hope that you will find some use for Dan’s Magnification Method, and keep part of him alive. He was (and is) a great teacher - and one of those people who made me who I am today. It’s sad that he has passed away, but I think he still lives on within all of us who found refuge in his class and learned how to be comfortable in our own skin... as well as the skin of the characters we played on stage.
Rest In Peace, Dan Arnold.
- Bill
Monday, November 21, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: Round Tables
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Fantastic Beasts ............... $75,000,000
2 Strange......................... $17,676,000
3 Trolls.......................... $17,500,000
4 Arrival......................... $11,800,000
5 Almost Christmas................. $7,040,000
6 Hacksaw.......................... $6,750,000
7 Edge 17.......................... $4,825,000
8 Bleed ........................... $2,357,946
9 Accountant....................... $2,115,000
10 Shut In.......................... $1,600,000
2) Are Indie Films In Trouble?
3) People In Hollywood You Should Know!
4) Movie Producer Round Table Interview.
5) Film Composer Round Table Interview.
6) First Question To Ask Yourself When Writing A Novel...
7) Fall Film Fest Round Up - What Are The Oscar Contenders?
8) Michael Chapman On Restoring TAXI DRIVER.
9) Kenneth Lonergan - The Writer Behind MANCHESTER BY THE SEA and YOU CAN COUNT ON ME.
10) The Netflix/Amazon ATM For Actors.
11) Paul Schrader Talks Film.
12) Lew Archer Finds Lost Ross Macdonald Interview!
And the Car Chase Of The Week:
It's the word... it's also all over these french fries.

Monday, November 14, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: PresiVeteran's Weekened
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Strange ........................ $43,032,000
2 Trolls.......................... $35,050,000
3 Arrival......................... $24,000,000
4 Almost Christmas................ $15,564,000
5 Hacksaw......................... $10,775,000
6 Accountant....................... $4,570,000
7 Shut In.......................... $3,700,000
8 Boo ............................. $3,550,000
9 Reacher.......................... $3,325,000
10 Inferno.......................... $3,250,000
2) Why SUICIDE SQUAD Died...
3) SHUT IN Writer Sets Up New Deal.
4) Shane Black On Writing PREDATOR.
5) BEN HUR Remake Is Major Flop!
6) Eric Heisserer On Writing Arrival.
7) 5 Reasons Why ARRIVAL Scored.
9) More Suspects On ORIENT EXPRESS.
10) Someone Who Has No Idea WESTWORLD Was A Movie First, And Written By The Same Guy As JURASSIC PARK...
11) The Greatest Living Film Editor... Anne V. Coates.
12) Every British Swear Word In Order Of Nastyness!
And the Car Chase Of The Week:
Presidential Car Chase???

Monday, November 07, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: Interview Edition
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Dr. Strange .................... $84,989,000
2 Trolls.......................... $45,600,000
3 Hacksaw......................... $14,750,000
4 Boo Madea........................ $7,800,000
5 Inferno.......................... $6,250,000
6 Accountant....................... $5,950,000
7 JR:NGB........................... $5,580,000
8 O:OoE............................ $3,983,000
9 Girl Train....................... $2,775,000
10 Peculiar......................... $2,100,000
Yes, this is still a record year for Box Office... and we have that STAR WARS movie coming out later!
2) People I Know In The News!
3) Jeff Nichols On LOVING.
5) David Koepp Talks About INFERNO And Writing Blockbusters.
6) Paul Schrader On Screenwriting... And Staying Relevant.
7) Podcast Interview With HACKSAW RIDGE Screenwriter Robert Schenkkan.
8) You Won't Have Tarantino To Kick Around Anymore!
9) Interview With The Writers Of BAD SANTA.
10) Awesome! Black Cinema Posters Through History!
11) They Did The Math - And Your Film Will Be A Flop!
12) Writing In Your Dead Time.
And the Car Chase Of The Week:
Everything's a remake!

Monday, October 31, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: Happy Halloween!
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Boo! Madea ..................... $16,675,000
2 Inferno ........................ $15,000,000
3 Jack Reacher:NGB................. $9,550,000
4 Accountant....................... $8,475,000
5 Ouiji -1 ........................ $7,070,000
6 GOtT............................. $4,270,000
7 Peculiar Children................ $3,975,000
8 NOT Keeping Up................... $3,375,000
9 Storks .......................... $2,785,000
10 Mushkil .......................... $2,135,000
2) Happy Halloween! Here's *The Blood List* - Best Unproduced Horror Scripts!
3) Rise Of The Planet Of Great Female Horror Directors!
4) Shane Black's Writing Process.
5) The 1000 Monkeys Selected To Write SHERLOCK HOLMES 3 (Robert Downey, jr)
6) For Your Consideration: Legal PDF Downloads From Sony's Films.
7) Other For Your Consideration Scripts You May Have Missed.
8) How A New Writer Landed Idris Elba In The Starring Role!
9) Yesterday I Walked Past FFC's Restaurant In San Francisco - So Here's An Aricle On His DISTANT VISION.
10) I Joke About "Direct Plug" TV... NetFlix Is Actually Working On It!
11) Tippi Says Hitch Sexually Assaulted Her In New Book.
12) AFM Starts At The End Of The Week: How To Work It!
And the Car Chase Of The Week:

Monday, October 17, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: October Country
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 The Accountant ................. $24,715,000
2 Kevin Hart...................... $11,984,245
3 Girl Train!..................... $11,974,915
4 M. Peregrine..................... $8,900,000
5 Deepwater........................ $6,350,000
6 Storks........................... $5,600,000
7 Magnificent...................... $5,200,000
8 Middle School.................... $4,250,000
9 Sully............................ $2,960,000
10 Birth............................ $2,715,000
Box office is still breaking records even before that STAR WARS movie that comes at the end of the year. We are 3.4% above this time last year, 9.5% over 2014, 4.7% over 2013, 5.1% over 2012 and 9.5% over 2011... and this week's top film is about an *accountant*!
2) Specialty Box Office - What Indie Films Sold Tickets?
3) Ang Lee OPn BILLY LYNN'S LONG HALFTIME WALK And Hyper Realistic Images.
5) For Your Consideration: Universal's Oscar Bait Screenplays In Legal PDF For You!
6) Darren Aronofsky On His Writing Pricess.
7) The Screenwriter Of SULLY Explains His Process.
8) TV Showrunners Survey.
9) Amblin Finds Chinese Funding... What Does This Mean?
10) The CIA's Sabotage Manual... For Real!
11) Jim Jarmusch's 5 Must See Movies (one is my gavorite!) (Two others are also favorites of mine!)
12) How Hollywood *Really* Works.
And the Car Chase Of The Week:
Another film about an accountant!

Sunday, October 09, 2016
RIP: Danny Grossman
Danny was an actor, a screenwriter, and a director of amazing short films. One of his films, FINDING SPACE, makes me cry every time I see it. Seven minutes long, and packs more of an emotional punch than most serious dramatic features. He was incredibly talented. This is also something that confuses me and makes me mad at the world - if someone has to die before their time, why this talented guy? I don’t get it. There are a whole lotta idiots in the world - why take the guy who created things that make the world a better place?
I know Danny from a group of people who met on a screenwriting website and through meet ups and dinners became friends. This was a fairly close group, though many on the group knew Danny better than I did. But the year I was a guest speaker at Austin, just about the whole group was there due to some of their projects and it was like an extended meet up in exotic Texas. Harold Ramis was there that year, and Danny got to hang out with him... which was really cool. Even though we haven’t had a meet up in years, the group still stays in contact with each other and we care about each other.
Because he was primarily an actor, he was often on stage in some little theater in North Hollywood (easy bike ride for me) so I’d ride out to see him in things. I think the last show I saw him in was about a year ago in some little theater on Vineland near Little Tony’s Pizza. He was great, as ususal. The thing about people who come to Los Angeles to become actors is that many of them just want the fame part without any of the hard work... but Danny seemed to care nada about the fame and loved the work. He wasn’t chasing some impossible dream, his dream was acting so he was acting.
Danny is probably the nicest person I know. I think everyone who knows him will say the same. This is a competitive business, but Danny was never someone who thought of themselves before others. I’ve had “friends” who have stolen jobs from me, but I suspect Danny was the opposite of that - the kind of guy who might give you some job he landed if he thought you would be better (not that the biz works that way). He was a sincere, giving person who seemed to go out of his way to make sure *you* were doing okay. Another reason why I’m mad as hell at the world - why take a nice guy? There aren’t enough of them in the world. It’s just wrong. Unfair.
The world has lost a great guy. A very talented guy. And I don’t know how to process this. It’s just too strange to be true.
This is probably a good time to tell your friends and family that you love them, because we have no idea when it will be too late. And also probably a good time to contemplate our own lives and think about ways that we can be kinder to each other, be less selfish, be more encouraging, remove hate and distrust from our lives and focus on love and acceptance. We don't only know when the people we love may pass unexpectedly, we have no idea when it might happen to us. We don't went to go out on a note of anger or hatred or any of the negative emotions we may experience. Better to clean up our act while we still can. Be kind to people. Think of others before ourselves. Just be as nice as Danny was.
Even though I’m confused and angry at the world, I don’t think Danny would like that... I think Danny would want us all to be happy. So why not celebrate Danny by watching some of the great short films he made? Here’s a link to his Vimeo page....
Danny's Short Films - Check Out Finding Space!
And one of Danny's last roles on camera... with Amy Schumer. Amy Schumer Wants To Be A Real Housewife.
PS: Lancelot Link's Links are taking Monday off because it's a holiday in the USA. - Bill
Monday, October 03, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: Welsh Diversity Edition
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Peculiar Children .............. $28,500,000
2 Deep Water...................... $20,600,000
3 Mag Seven....................... $15,700,000
4 Storks.......................... $13,800,000
5 Sully............................ $8,400,000
6 MasterBehinds.................... $6,600,000
7 Queen............................ $2,608,000
8 Breathe.......................... $2,375,000
9 BJB.............................. $2,330,000
10 Snowed In........................ $2,029,390
2) What Does A Key Grip Make Per Year?
3) Well Paid Screenwriters!
4) Nick Hornby On Screenwriting.
5) William Wheeler On QUEEN OF KATWE.
6) Bleeker Street Released Their "For Your Consideration" Screenplay PDFs! Free, Legal!
7) Writing Tips From Tarantino, Oliver Stone, many more!
9) Nicholl Fellowship Winners.
10) OXFORD DICTIONARY: THE MOTION PICTURE... Yes, Every Book You Can Imagine Has Been Optioned By Hollywood! Mel Gibson Is Starring!
11) A Look Back At THE BIRTH OF A NATION - And Art Vs. Content Questions.
12) Film News Grab Bag!
And the Car Chase Of The Week:
Okay... missile chase.

Monday, September 26, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: Cowboy Grab Bag
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Mag Seven ...................... $35,000,000
2 Storks.......................... $21,805,000
3 Sully........................... $13,830,000
4 Jones Baby....................... $4,520,000
5 Snowden.......................... $4,144,989
6 Witch............................ $3,950,000
7 Breathe.......................... $3,800,000
8 Suicide.......................... $3,110,000
9 Bough............................ $2,500,000
10 Kubo............................. $1,103,000
2) Can A Western Be Contemporary?
4) News From Raindance Film Fest!
5) Sorkin Masterclass Cliff Notes?
6) BOUND FOR GLORY Is One Of My Favorite Films... Article Plus Screenplay!
7) Wayne Wang On San Francisco Cinema.
8) Scripts For THE NIGHT MANAGER? Here You Go!
9) Wim Wenders On James Cameron.
10) Curing The *Symptom* of Ageism In Hollywood While Ignoring The Disease...
11) Jeff Nichols On LOVING.
12) RIP: Bill Nunn.
And the Car Chase Of The Week:

Monday, September 19, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: Emmy Winners
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Sully .......................... $22,000,000
2 Blair Witch...................... $9,650,000
3 Bridget Jones 3.................. $8,240,715
4 Snowden.......................... $8,023,329
5 Don't Breathe.................... $5,600,000
6 When The Bough................... $5,525,000
7 Suicide Squad.................... $4,710,000
8 Wild Life........................ $2,650,000
9 Kubo............................. $2,509,000
10 Pete's Dragon.................... $2,041,000
2) Emmy Award Winners List.
3) Scripts From Emmy Nominated Shows!
4) And The Oscar Goes To...
5) Are Indie Films Completely Dead?
6) Indie Film Incubator? Will This Help?
7) Universal Emerging Writers Fellowship Winners Are...
8) Best Samurai Movies *Not* Directed By Kurosawa. (when the two samurais face off on the street and prepare to do battle, the subtitles always say something about honor... but what they are really saying in Japanese is "Hey, who does your hair?"
9) Behind The Scenes on BLOOD SIMPLE. Includes Screenplay.
10) Wim Wenders Interview.
11) Is Netflix The New Big Studio?
12) Top 100 Film Courage Segments For Last Month. Check out #6 and #21.
And the Car Chase Of The Week:
A car chase from 1966 TV!

Monday, September 12, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: White After Labor Day?
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Sully .......................... $35,505,000
2 Bough Breaks.................... $15,000,000
3 Don't Breathe.................... $8,210,000
4 Suicide.......................... $5,650,000
5 Wild Life........................ $3,400,000
6 Kubo............................. $3,230,000
7 Pete's Dragon.................... $2,938,000
8 Bad Moms......................... $2,830,000
9 Hell Or High..................... $2,600,000
10 Sausage.......................... $2,300,000
Looking to be a record Box Office year even before ROGUE ONE is released: So far we are head 5.7% over last year, ahead a whopping 12.0% over 2014, ahead 5.5% over 2013, 6.4% over 2012 and 10.2% over 2011. For those of you who say: "What about tickets and admissions, huh?" Well last year there were 1,320.1 million tickets sold, and let's compare that to 1980 when EMPIRE STRIKES BACK and AIRPLANE! and CADDYSHACK and THE SHINING and STIR CRAZY and 9 TO 5 and a bunch of other big hits came out... 1,022 million tickets sold. That's 298.1 million ***more*** tickets sold last year than the year EMPIRE STRIKES BACK was released! And if you would prefer 1981 (the years RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK was released) last year they sold 253.1 million more tickets. So all of this gloom and doom over Hollywood is greatly exaggerated.
2) Is Tom Hanks Trapped?
3) Full List Of Venice Film Fest Winners.
4) Screenwriting Advice From Rod Serling.
5) Behind The Scenes On THEY LIVE! (includes Screenplay)
6) FREE Russian Science Fiction Films!
7) Making And Selling An Indie Film.
8) Why Chuck Stopped Reading Your Book (just substitute "screenplay" and it applies).
9) The Next Paul Schrader Film.
10) Should screenwriters be allowed on film sets?
11) CATWOMAN - The Remake?
12) It's Hard Out There For A Creative Person. (Maybe I should become a pimp?)
And the Car Chase Of The Week:
Not a car chase, the trailer to Gary King's new movie!

Monday, September 05, 2016

All five "Bourne" movies (including "Legacy" and it's potential sequels) - what are the techniques used to keep the characters and scenes exciting and involving? Reinventing the thriller genre... or following the "formula"? Five films - each with an interesting experiment! A detailed analysis of each of the films, the way these thrillers work... as well as a complete list of box office and critical statistics for each film. This book is great for writers, directors, and just fans of the series.
INTRODUCTORY PRICE: $2.99 - and no postage!
NO KINDLE REQUIRED! Get the *free* app (any device, except your Mr. Coffee) on the order page on Amazon!UK Folks Click Here.
German Folks Click Here.
French Folks Click Here.
Espania Folks Click Here.
Canadian Folks Click Here.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: Movie Star Edition
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Suicide Squad................... $20,710,000
2 Sausage......................... $15,325,000
3 War Dogs........................ $14,300,000
4 Kubo 2.......................... $12,610,000
5 Ben Hur......................... $11,350,000
6 Pete's Dragqueen................ $11,331,000
7 Bad Mom.......................... $8,068,000
8 Jason ReBourne................... $7,980,000
9 Secret Pets...................... $5,770,000
10 Jenkins! (not Alan)............... $4,300,000
2) Indie Box Office Numbers.
3) Do Movie Stars Matter?
4) Tom Cruise Thinks Movie Stars Matter *A LOT*!
5) My Favorite Hitchcock Film Is NOTORIOUS... Here's an article on the film PLUS THE SCREENPLAY!
6) LEBOWSKI Spin Off About Jesus!
7) Popularity Of Genres Around The World. Does Horror Sell Well In Transylvania?
8) KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS Director On The Influence Of Kurosawa.
9) Do State's Film Incentives Work?
10) David Lynch's First Film... Watch It Now!
11) Mel Brooks - Why BLAZING SADDLES Could Never Be Made Today.
12) Are Characters The Color Of Their Skin? Or Are They The Character Of Their Character?
And the Car Chase Of The Week:

Monday, August 15, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: Hits & Misses!
Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Suicide Squad................... $43,770,000
2 Sausage......................... $33,600,000
3 Pete's Dragon................... $21,501,000
4 Jason Bourne.................... $13,620,000
5 Bad Moms........................ $11,450,000
6 Secret Pets...................... $8,840,000
7 ST BATH & BEYOND................. $6,800,000
8 FF Jenkins....................... $6,580,000
9 9 Lives.......................... $3,500,000
10 Lights Out....................... $3,220,000
It's been a while since I posted a year-to-date comparison, so box office this year is only ahead of last year by 5.1%, only ahead of 2014 by 11.9%, only ahead of 2013 by 5.7%, only ahead of 2012 by 5.7%, and only ahead of 2011 by 10.4%. Though one of the issues is that this year has been packed with expensive duds (GHOSTBUSTERS was not in the top 10 this week!) so people may be going to the movies but they might not be going home happy; movies like BAD MOMS and SAUSAGE and LIGHTS OUT (and other horror flicks) are doing a great job of earning money on a budget. I still think the real solution is to *really* have a studio low budget genre division that does what BlumHouse does so well - great genre films for $5m or less. The problem is - studios have no idea how to make films at that budget, and when they hire some director who is used to making a film for $130 million to make one for $5 million the movie usually crashes and burns. The key here is to hire the next generation of John Carpenters (guys like James Wan) who know how to make a film on a budget. You know, there are plenty of guys and gals working in the low budget world right now that they could hire... and it would be nice to hire John Carpenter while they're at it. The thing about "budget friendly" movies is that they are a whole different animal than a $100m studio film, and require completely different skills. There was a time when every studio had a low budget division - which not only kept the average picture cost down, it was also a great training ground for writers and directors and everyone else... maybe they should return to that?
2) Indie Box Office.
3) Open Letter To WB & DC About BvS and SS "Underperforming". Seriously - just get the person who is in charge of DC TV to take over DC features and problem is solved!
4) SUICIDE SQUAD - Can A Film Be A Hit & A Flop At The Same Time?
5) Feature Doc On John Carpenter?
6) The Best Movie Of The Summer... but is there an audience?
7) RIP: R2D2.
8) Jame Schamus On Adapting Philip Roth's INDIGNATION.
9) PETE'S DRAGON - How A Micro Budget Director Got A Hollywood Gig.
10) What Are You Seeing On Memorial Day 2017?
11) A Look AT THE THIRD MAN...
12) Things Writers Should Avoid In Contracts.
13) 13 Things You Need To Do If Making Your Own Film.
And the Car Chase Of The Week:
Okay, dragon chase...

Monday, August 08, 2016
Lancelot Link Monday: Rotten Tomatoes Must Die!
Here are a baker's dozen links plus this week's car chase...
1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Suicide........................ $135,105,000
2 Bourne.......................... $22,710,000
3 Bad Moms........................ $14,204,000
4 Secret Pet...................... $11,560,000
5 ST:B............................ $10,200,000
6 9 Lives.......................... $6,500,000
7 Lights Out....................... $6,005,000
8 The Nerve!....................... $4,900,000
9 Ghostbusters..................... $4,800,000
10 IA:CC............................ $4,300,000
2) Indie Box Office Numbers.
3) Congratulations To Matt Altman On His Spec Script Sale! (hey, I know that guy!)
4) Ageism In Hollywood?
5) Billy Wilder Interview.
6) Reboots Of Reboots Of Remakes... based on a TV show that was based on a novel that was based on a notion...
7) New Lucy Statue Doesn't Frighten Children (and adults)!
8) Harvey Keitel On Working With James Toback On FINGERS.
9) Katheryn Bigelow's Next Film.
10) Advice For Screenwriters From The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences.
11) Behind The Scenes On SERPICO.
12) DC Fans Petition For Destruction Of Rotten Tomatoes!
13) SUICIDE SQUAD and Shelf Life.
And the Car Chase Of The Week:
