Monday, July 11, 2016

Lancelot Link Monday: Secret Life Of Chimps

Lancelot Link Monday! Sorry for the brief hiatus - but we're back! With the answer to the question we've all been wondering - What ever happened to Clyde from those Clint Eastwood monkey movies? How come nobody hires him anymore? Did he just cash out and retire? Was it drunks or some other addiction? Is he difficult to work with? Why didn't he ever get cast as the romantic lead in a Julia Roberts movie? He would have been prefect! Or starred in his own action flick? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Secret Pets.................... $103,170,000
2 Tarzan.......................... $20,615,000
3 Finding Dory.................... $20,351,000
4 Mike & Dave..................... $16,600,000
5 Purge Election.................. $11,700,000
6 Central Int...................... $8,125,000
7 ID4 R............................ $7,700,000
8 BFG!............................. $7,604,000
9 Shallows......................... $4,800,000
10 Sultan........................... $2,216,475

How is box office? Well, it's up 2.9% over last year, 10.7% over 2014, 5.2% over 2013, 3.2% over 2012, and 12.9% over 2011... so it's doing well, thanks for asking!

2) Are Video Game Movies The Next Big Thing?

3) Is Old The Next Big Thing?

4) Advice From 24 Big Name Screenwriters.

5) A Closer Look At Hitchcock's PSYCHO.

6) Comic-Con Film Schedule.

7) Take That Polti! There Are Only SIX Plots!

8) The Directors Of SWISS ARMY MAN On How A Fart Can Make You Cry...

9) Spike Lee's List Of Must See Movies. (None of mine made the list)

10) Submarine Casting?

11) Love In The Time Of TV Dramas About Anti-Heroes.

12) Charlie Kaufman On Indie Film Making.

And the Car Chase Of The Week:


Buy The DVDs




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