Monday, July 18, 2016

Lancelot Link Monday: Laura Link, Female Chimp Edition

Lancelot Link Monday! So, the new GHOSTBUSTERS opened this weekend, an did okay business. It's also getting good reviews. It seems that all of those people who thought casting women would ruin it were mistaken (I'm being polite). But will this begin a trend where every movie remake has the roles reversed? DIRTY HARRIET? ALL ABOUT STEVE? THREE WOMEN AND AN OLD MAN? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are over a baker's dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Secret Pets..................... $50,560,000
2 Ghostbusters.................... $46,000,000
3 Tarzan.......................... $11,120,000
4 Finding Dory.................... $11,040,000
5 Mike & Dave...................... $7,500,000
6 Purge TP......................... $6,080,000
7 Central Int...................... $5,300,000
8 Infiltrator...................... $5,287,124
9 BFG.............................. $3,747,000
10 ID4 2............................ $3,450,000

2) Indie Box Office.

3) Talking Animals Are Hot! Is It Time To Remakes A BOY AND HIS DOG?

4) Just In Time For BLADERUNNER 2!

5) Darth Vader Hits Virtual Reality.

6) Moderate Budget Indie Films Area Dead - Make Them Yourself For $35k.

7) GHOSTBUSTERS (remake) Director Paul Feig Interviewed.

8) My Friend Ramesh Suggested This NYB Based Film Interview Podcast.

9) Why WONDER WOMAN Needed A Female Director.

10) Are Agencies The New Media Giants?

11) Casting Of New Spielberg Film... That Guy From Star Wars. And Casting News About The EMOJI Movie!

12) Title Cards For Classic Movies.

13) James Wan On Horror.

14) Sacramento's Joe Carnahan (who bought a copy of my book ages ago after BLOOD, GUTS first screened in Sacramento) On His Unfilmed Screenplays.

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

Okay, no cars and no chase....


Buy The DVDs




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