Monday, October 05, 2015

Lancelot Link: Streaming Martians

Lancelot Link Monday! Martians. They Need Women in some movies, in others they are an Angry Red Planet. Why is *Mars* the planet of choice for movies? John Carter goes there, Robinson Crusoe went there, about a decade ago we had two movies in the same year that went there. What is it about Mars? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 The Martian..................... $55,000,000
2 Hotel Trans..................... $33,000,000
3 Sick Cars....................... $12,075,000
4 The Intern, MD.................. $11,620,000
5 Larry Storch Trials.............. $7,650,000
6 Black Mass (NOT horror).......... $5,905,000
7 Everest.......................... $5,510,000
8 The Visit........................ $3,950,000
9 War Room......................... $2,800,000
10 Perfect Guy...................... $2,400,000

2) Streaming Box Office?

3) Women Directors Of The Silent Era. Something I look at in Vintage Screenwriting #1.

4) The Next GAME OF THRONES? Will the Martells be represented?

5) What Movies Cost To Make.

6) How To Succeed In The Film Business!

7) Soderbergh: "Film is fear based!"

8) INVASION OF Philip Kaufman Interviews!

9) As The Relativity Turns... Latest Episode.

10) Should Your Movie Star A... Woman?

11) David Cronenberg *Loves* The Weinsteins!

12) New SPECTRE Trailer!

13) Unlucky 13 Mystery Link!

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

MARS Landing was faked?


Buy The DVDs

1 comment:

  1. I loved loved Capricorn One as a child. I made my poor suffering father take me to see it. That scene climbing up the mountain where he's talking to himself just haunts me.


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