Monday, September 28, 2015

Lancelot Link: Novelties

Lancelot Link Monday! This week's links begin and end with Hitchcock, but in between are several links about the art of mystery and horror writing, with all kinds of tips from some of the top writers in the field... who are long dead! But their advice still works, right? Also a link to an article about self publishing novels, which tends to get a bit wonkish... but if you start with the bullet points you'll get most of the important information. So, maybe you you try writing a mystery novel? While you're considering that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a baker's dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Hotel Tranny 2.................. $47,500,000
2 Intern.......................... $18,225,000
3 Maze Runner: Larry Storch....... $14,000,000
4 Everest......................... $13,090,000
5 Black Mass...................... $11,510,000
6 Visit............................ $6,750,000
7 Perfect Guy...................... $4,750,000
8 War Room......................... $4,275,000
9 Green Inferno.................... $3,494,000
10 Sicario.......................... $1,770,000

2) MARNIE's Diane Baker On Hitchcock & Actors.

3) Interview With Nancy Meyers (THE INTERN) On Screenwritring.

2) Cinematographer Roger Deakins On Shooting SICARIO.

5) 2 Hour Interview With Robert Rodriguez On Indie Filmmaking.

6) Interview With Robert Zemeckis (THE WALK, BACK TO THE FUTURE).

7) The WARRIORS Come Out To Play Once More.

8) That Wacky Version Of ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU From The FX Crew's POV.

9) Should You Self Publish A Book?

10) 11 Tips From Horror Writers.

11) Raymond Chandler's (THE BIG SLEEP) Ten Rules For Writing A Novel.

12) S.S. Van Dine's (PHILO VANCE Novels, Lots Of Movies Based On Them) 20 Rules For Writing Detective Novels.

13) Hitchcock's YOUNG AND INNOCENT Novelist Josephine Tey - The Mystery Of The Writer.

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

From Hitchcock's final film.


Buy The DVDs

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