Monday, November 24, 2014

Lancelot Link: Part 1

Lancelot Link Monday! MOCKINGJAY PART ONE filled cinemas this weekend, but made me wonder about this practice of splitting movies in half. KILL BILL was filmed as *one film* then split into two... imagine doing that to other movies! TRAINS, PLANE and PLANE, AUTOMOBILES? THE ONE AND A HALF WORLDS OF GULLIVER and THE OTHER ONE AND A HALF WORLDS OF GULLIVER? Where does it all stop??? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Mockingjay Part 1.............. $123,000,000
2 Big Hero........................ $20,086,000
3 Interstellar.................... $15,100,000
4 Dumb & Dumber 2................. $13,820,000
5 Gone Girl........................ $2,815,000
6 Beyond Lights.................... $2,630,000
7 St. Vincent...................... $2,354,000
8 Fury............................. $1,900,000
9 Birdman.......................... $1,855,000
10 Theory Everything................ $1,500,000

2) How People Decide To See Movies.

3) Leak Casting Information, Go To Prison!

4) The Brit List

5) Interactive Short Films From Google... The Next Big Thing?

6) Joss Whedon: The Five Things Your Screenplay Must Have!

7) Five Big Mistakes Indie Films Make.

8) James Gunn on planning sequels before the first film makes any money... Counting chickens @ DC?

9) Mike Le's PATIENT ZERO gets a star. (Congrats to Mike!) (sat next to him at JOHN WICK)

10) My Portland Pal Daniel Wilson Writing New Film For Brad Pitt.

11) Mel Gibson's comeback film?

12) JURASSIC WORLD... an overly nostalgic trailer?

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

Everyone is going to the mall for Black Friday Sales!


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