Saturday, November 29, 2014


Cyber Monday... it's the day in America where we shop online. There are no shootings or stabbings or trampled fellow customers. Well, those things may still happen, it *is* America... but they don't happen due to a sale. I want to be part of the big Cyber Monday thing, so...

All of the Blue Books over there >>>>
Usually $3.99, now $2.99 (that's twenty five percent off!).

Sale lasts through midnight on Cyber Monday (12/1).

If I have record sales TODAY, the next Blue Book will release at $2.99 for 2 weeks.
The next Blue Book is:

And should be out in about a week! (was supposed to be today, but those danged holidays got in the way).

Tell your friends about the deal!
Tell your screenwriting group!
Mention it on message boards!
Go into a coffee shop and yell about it!
Tell the security guard who comes to kick you out of the coffee shop about it!

I believe Amazon can do a gift thingie where they send it to your friend in "gift wrap" for the holidays.

Lancelot Links will be Tuesday!

Oh, and this...



  1. So you can avoid shootings and fights by buying your books online about how to write shootings and fights.


Thanks to porn spam, I am closing comments on each post after 7 days.