Monday, November 02, 2009

Publisher's Weekly Best of 2009 List!

So, yesterday I reviewed my friend Harry's first (published) novel CHILD OF FIRE... and today it was selected by Publisher's Weekly as one of the 5 Best Mass Market Novels of 2009. It's his first novel, and it beat out all of those books at the airport and supermarket and front displays at Barnes & Noble and Borders - those books by big famous best selling writers! (well, beat all but the other 4) (well, it was #4 on the list, so it beat out all but 3).

Big congratulations to Harry! If you read my review below, you know I really liked it and want to see what happens in the next book in the series. But Publisher's Weekly Best of 2009 List? Those guys know what they are talking about, I'm just some screenwriter who prowls used book stores looking for that missing Highsmith book I've never read. This is great news. Here's a link to the list, scroll down to Mass Market...

Publisher's Weekly Best Of 2009 List

The great thing about this is that Harry did not take no for an answer and kept writing, finding a place for his stories... not the big screen as it turned out, but a novel. Well, a series of novels. Well, a series of novels where the first one is one of the 5 Best mass market novels according to Publisher's Weekly.

- Bill


  1. Congrats to Harry!

    I already ordered it yesterday based on your recommendation and my fondness for urban fantasy. Eventually wizards will be the new vampires and have three+ TV series running simultaneously!

  2. Hey Bill,

    After your glowing review, I picked it up today on my lunch break. I'm a big fan of the hard-boiled but usually go for sorcery in comics rather than novels. Looking forward to jumping into this world.

    Also, as a side-note, Wal-Mart has the Dillenger DVD for $5.

  3. Tell your friend congrats. With a little bit of luck I hope to join him someday.

  4. I just finished rAeading Harry's book. Hard-boiled, it is, and also full of nearly vomit-making deaths and violence. Main character is good--Keanu Reeves type, perhaps? Or Joaquin Phoenix. Author good at thumbnail descriptions of many many minor characters; he doesn't let one slide by as just "a bystander", but always gives them identifiable characteristics.
    GOod book, good writer, look forward to more by him.

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