Tuesday, November 03, 2009

North By Northwest - 50th Anniversary!

The original plan for Monday was to see NORTH BY NORTHWEST on the big screen again as part of the AFI Fest - in celebration of the film's 50th Anniversary.

Think about that for a moment - that film is 50 years old! Hey, 1:30 minutes into the film, the protagonist is kidnaped at gun point and taken to be killed! I love how those old movies took their time to get to the story!

This is one of my favorite Hitchcock films - it's funny and fast paced and exciting.

Here's is a link to... The Birth Of Roger Thornhill.

And here is a link to... The Fridays With Hitchcock Entry For NORTH BY NORTHWEST.

- Bill



  1. I've always marvelled at how an otherwise realistically-presented story could get away with the utter absurdities in NBNW. Among others:

    --A man is sent out of a city to a lonely bus stop on a country highway in order to be assassinated by a crop duster armed with machine guns.

    --A man is allowed to "negative-bid" his way out of an auction for several long moments before he is finally removed by by police rather than any on-scene security for the auction.

    --A house is allowed to be placed on top of Mt. Rushmore within a short walk of the Monument.

    --A life-or-death struggle is fought on the face of the Mt. Rushmore Monument by people in business suits and wearing leather shoes and high heels.

    Really incredible when you think about it, because nobody gives it a second thought today. And thanks to that it remains the gold standard for paranoid thrillers.

    If anyone's interested, I have an appreciation of Hitchcock's VERTIGO which reached 50 last year on my blog at: http://thelastreveal.blogspot.com/2009/09/vertigo-past-fiftyan-appreciation.html

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