Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Kiss Of Death

Day after Christmas, let's go back ten years on the blog and see what I posted...

This is Richard Widmark's first film role... and he steals the movie. Notice how the character is in contrast with himself - that's what makes him interesting. In films we'd had happy-go-lucky people who enjoyed their work, and we'd had hit men... but never happy-go-lucky hit men who enjoyed their work! He does those two things that don't seem like they belong together, and makes it all seem natural.

And another attack on Great Britain, sorry!

UK's Movies For Men 2:

Sunday April 12th, 21:00 - Crash Dive - The crew of a nuclear submarine rescues supposed victims of a boat disaster, but the victims turn out to be terrorists intent on capturing nuclear weapons aboard the sub. 1997.

Tuesday April 14th, 13:50 - Black Thunder - When the world's most powerful stealth jet fighter falls into enemy hands, only one man can get it back. Starring Michael Dudikoff.

Tuesday April 14th, 22:05 - Crash Dive - The crew of a nuclear submarine rescues supposed victims of a boat disaster, but the victims turn out to be terrorists intent on capturing nuclear weapons aboard the sub. 1997.

I'm sorry for the pain I have caused anyone who watches these.

- Bill


  1. How come your movies air in the UK so much more than in the US?

  2. And it was his only Oscar Nomination. It's a shame his crazy hitman was competing against Santa Claus. Talk about a losing battle.

  3. I think it's the Movies 4 Men channels - they bought the package of films at some point and need to get their money's worth.

    But also - M4M is like Spike TV... only there are either 2 channels of it and it's all movies.

    And probably some of it is, whatever distrib owns the rights over there pushes them. I don't even know who owns US rights anymore.

    - Bill

  4. I have no idea what the word "either" is doing in that sentence... where's the coffee?

  5. I read that sentence a few times with confusing results.

    Either way, I demand equal access to Bill Martell movies. I'm writing my congressman.

  6. Sometime I'll put them all in a black garbage bag and place it in the second trashcan from the street at the park - the one with the white chalk mark - and you can pick them up and learn firsthand why people in Great Britain hate me and are writing their politicos to keep my movies out of their country.


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