Monday, April 30, 2018

Lancelot Link Monday: Die, Avengers, Die!

Lancelot Link Monday! PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL MOVIES FOR OTHER PEOPLE! You know the Cone Of Silence from GET SMART? That's the only place you can discuss the movie. Not online. Not in a public place. Not next to my table at Starbucks. I don't want to know who dies. While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Infinity ........................ $250,000,000
2 Quiet Place ....................... $10,650,000
3 Pretty ............................ $8,130,000
4 Rampage ........................... $7,105,000
5 Panther ........................... $4,381,000
6 Troopers 2 ........................ $3,600,000
7 Truth ............................. $3,210,000
8 Blockers .......................... $2,945,000
9 RPO ............................... $2,435,000
10 Traffik ........................... $1,620,000

2) Interview With INFINITY WAR Screenwriters.

3) The Next Avengers Film (RETURN OF THE AVENGERS?)

4) Mostly Spoiler Free INFINITY WAR Review.

5) Joss Whedon's WONDER WOMAN Screenplay?

6) STAR TREK 4 Gets A Director.

7) Behind The Scenes on ALIEN (includes Screenplay)

8) Rise Of Smart Horror Films.

9) Chose Your Own Adventure: The Motion Picture.

10) The Conclusion To IT Will Require All Audience Members Wear Diapers!

11) Lost Color Films Discovered!

12) Shane Black's PREDATOR... the synopsis.

And the Car Chase Of The Week:


Buy The DVDs




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