Monday, May 27, 2024

Today Is Memorial Day.

Yesterday was the day in the United States where we honor our fallen soldiers: soldiers and sailors and marines and air force folks and everyone else who have died defending this country. I grew up during an unpopular war (Viet Nam) and the mistake then was to transfer feelings about the war to those people who were fighting it - usually poor kids who had no way to avoid the draft, and were doing their best to serve their country. I think we have all learned from that mistake - no matter what we think about war, the people fighting it who *gave their lives* to serve their country deserve our respect. Defending our freedom is the most important thing someone can do. Those who want to take away or limit our freedom must be fought, both abroad and in this country. All people are created equal, all people have rights to live their lives as they desire as long as that doesn't infringe on the rights of others. When our soldiers fight for those human rights and die, that is the greatest sacrifice. Today we mourn them.

And note: Memorial Day is set aside for those who *gave their lives*, not those who are still alive (that's what Veteran's Day is for). So please, honor our fallen soldiers and sailors and air force and marines today.

These are from of my favorite war movies that show the courage of our men and women in uniform...

THE BIG RED ONE (1980) written & directed by the great Sam Fuller. Unfortunately this is the trailer for the re-release...

GO FOR BROKE (1951)...


GARDENS OF STONE (1987) Directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

A clip from STEEL HELMET (1951) directed by Sam Fuller...

FIXED BAYONETTES (1951) also directed by Sam Fuller...

THE BOYS IN COMPANY C (1978) directed by Sidney Furie...

Those are some of my favorites, and if there are any that you haven't seen - check them out. And take some time today to thank and be thankful to those people who have given their lives or gave their lives for this country.

- Bill

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I just recently saw Best Years of Our Lives for the first time a few weeks ago. I think I was crying every ten minutes or so. So good. So moving.


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