Monday, March 20, 2017

Lancelot Link Monday: No Beast So Fierce!

Lancelot Link Monday! After news leaked that there was a "Gay moment" in the new live action version of BEAUTY & THE BEAST, cinemas throughout the South pulled the film. Nobody wants to see that kind of stuff on screen! Censors in Malaysia cut 4 minutes from the film. Nobody wants to see stuff like that in Asia! Hey, a woman falling in love with a beast is fine, but Gay stuff? Nobody wants to see that! Except, even without those Southern cinemas, BEAUTY & THE BEAST broke all kinds of box office records - and those cinemas that didn't show it got *nada*! And in Asia? Without a single cut, BEAUTY & THE BEAST made almost $43 million in China over the weekend. I haven't seen it, so I don't know what the Gay moment is (I always thought Gaston was probably deep in the closet), but it doesn't seem to have mattered to the people buying tickets. The film made a ton of money - and Disney will probably do live action versions of all of its cartoons. Can't wait to see BAMBI live action! What actors will play Bambi? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Beauty ........................ $170,000,000
2 Skull .......................... $28,850,000
3 Logan .......................... $17,500,000
4 Get Out ........................ $13,249,475
5 Shack ........................... $6,130,000
6 Eggo Batman ..................... $4,700,000
7 Sgt Belko ....................... $4,051,000
8 Hidden .......................... $1,500,000
9 John Wick 2 ..................... $1,200,000
10 B4 I Fall ....................... $1,034,425

So far this has been a good Box Office year - we are ahead of previous years, and have a bunch of great films coming out this summer. Ahead of last year by 5.8%, ahead of 2015 by 17.1%, ahead of 2014 by 21.4%, ahead of 2013 by only 31.0%, and ahead of 2012 by 14.4%. Not bad!

2) Breaking Box Office Records!

3) Indie Box Office Numbers.

4) Will There Be A Writers Strike?


6) THE DARK TOWER First Look...

7) David Lynch Talks ERASERHEAD on 40th Anniversary.

8) Why Do Women Make Less $ In Hollywood Than Men? Balls.

9) The Next Next ALIEN Movie... Will It Be A Musical?

10) The Proven Formula For Great Writing (from The Smithsonian!)

11) South By Southwest Fest Audience Award Winners.

12) The Future Of Film Studios?

And the Car Chase Of The Week:



Buy The DVDs




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