Monday, December 05, 2016

Lancelot Link Monday: Interview Edition

Lancelot Link Monday! As Oscar Season approaches, the two great side effects of all of these Oscar campaigns for films like ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS: THE MOVIE are free legal screenplays and lots and lots of interviews with sreenwriters. I mean, as many as *5* interviews! Wow! While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Moana.. ........................ $28,373,000
2 Fan Beasts...................... $18,545,000
3 Arrival.......................... $7,300,000
4 Allied........................... $7,050,000
5 Strange.......................... $6,486,000
6 Trolls........................... $4,600,000
7 Hacksaw.......................... $3,400,000
8 BS2 ............................. $3,288,699
9 Incarnate........................ $2,659,000
10 Almost........................... $2,500,350

This year's box office continues to break records, 4.0% over last year, 8.4% over 2014, 3.4% over 2013, 3.1% over 2012, and 9.5% over 2011. And that new STAR WARS movie hasn't even opened yet (though many screenings are already sold out!).

2) Universal & WB Closing Theatrical Windows?

3) 10 Screenwriters To Watch (from Variety, not Homeland Security).

4) New York Critics Circle Winners.

5) Trailer For The New Remake Of THE MUMMY (1932).

6) STAR TREK: THE VOYAGE HOME writer on Eddie Murphy's role...

7) SICARIO Screenwriter On Why Emily Blunt's Character Is NOT In The Sequel.

8) DEADPOOL's Screenwriters On The Biz.

9) DIRTY PRETTY THINGS Screenwriter Steven Knight On Writing ALLIED.

10) AMERICAN PASTORAL writer John Romano on his writing process.

11) MAD SHELIA: VIRGIN ROAD? Yes, It's A Real Movie... and here's the trailer!


And the Car Chase Of The Week:



Buy The DVDs




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