Wednesday, December 21, 2016

1947 Roswell Santa Autopsy

Something that has been getting *zero* press from the WikiLeaks thing is this video uncovered of the 1947 Sleigh Crash and subsequent Autopsy of Santa at Roswell, NM. The brave people at Parabnormal have posted this *actual Government footage* on YouTube.

Like this? There's more! ParabNormal TV

Happy Holidays!

- Bill


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Thanks for that, Bill. And thank you for another great year of posts - The Brad Pitt Guy will take some topping.

    Happy Holidays!

  2. Bill,
    I also wish to thank you for the past year of great script advice and secrets.

    My favorite this year was the woman at the festival with the see-through blouse, and your prescience in seeing through (!) her obvious attention-getting attempt.

    May your heroes be mighty and your villains memorable.
    Ride and bike carefully!



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