Monday, June 06, 2016

Lancelot Link Monday: Out Of The Shadows!

Lancelot Link Monday! You know what's weird? The 1990 live action version of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES made $135m domestic, and the 2014 version made $191m... now, if we adjust for inflation, that 1990 version made a lot more money! This new version is a disappointment. But, they made a sequel anyway, and will probably make a couple more before they reboot it, then reboot it again, then make one with "all original parts" (does Megan Fox have all original parts?) then do a crossover with 21 JUMP STREET. While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a baker's dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Mutant Ninja Turtles............ $35,250,000
2 X-Men: Apocalypso............... $22,325,000
3 Me B4 U......................... $18,270,000
4 Alice Looking................... $10,691,000
5 Angry Birds...................... $9,775,000
6 CA:CW............................ $7,591,000
7 Neighbors 2...................... $4,700,000
8 Popstar.......................... $4,630,000
9 Jungle Book...................... $4,247,000
10 Nice Guys........................ $3,520,000

Despite the wingnut articles that say Hollywood Is Doomed, we are in the midst of record Box Office this year. So far we are 4.4% up from last year, 7.8% up from 2014, 9.9% up from 2013, 2.6% up from 2012, and only 12.4% ahead of 2011.
That wingnut article says we should ignore all of the movies that have made over $300 million this year, and just focus on the other films. WTF? I'm sure this guy's point was that mid-range movies aren't making any money, but Hollywood isn't making mid-range movies anymore (and the films he cites are all indies). Hollywood is doing fine. They may not be making the kinds of movies that guy wants to see, but this is like a majority rules business - Hollywood makes they types of movies that sell the most tickets (with some trial balloons to see if there's interest in some other genre). Those films that made over $300 million is what they make, and what they want to keep making.
Don't expect to see a new version of JABBERWOCKY starring Johnny Depp any time soon... ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS is tanking. After 10 days of release, ALICE IN WONDERLAND had made $209,339,432, after 10 days of release LOOKING GLASS has only made $50,772,597! Looks like Amber is getting out before the Depp-Market crashes!

2) Are Indie Films Dead?

3) Everything You Wanted To Know About Walter Hill's 48 HOURS (But Were Afraid To Ask). Plus the screenplay!

4) This Casting Was Foretold As One Of The Signs The World Is Ending...

5) Producer Of First 3 STAR WARS Movies And First 3 RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK Movies Unveils New Film Slate!

6) Bigelow, Kathryn Bigelow?

7) 50 Best Films By Black Directors. But Only One From Pre-1960! There Were Hundreds Of "Race Films" Made, Needed More Of These!


9) The Russo Brothers Buy A Spec! A bunch of spec sales recently.

10) A Movie I Love As Much As 48 HOURS, Written By The Guy Who Wrote THE BAD NEWS BEARS. Interview Plus Screenplay.

11) Sam Raimi's New Disaster!

12) Another Film I Love - Behind The Scenes, But No Script.

13) Birthday Boy Bruce Dern On Working With Clint & Hitch (twice).

And the Car Chase Of The Week:


Buy The DVDs




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