Monday, April 04, 2016

Lancelot Link Monday: April Fuels?

Lancelot Link Monday! April Fools is over! We can now go back to believing everything we read on the internet! While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Batman V Superman............... $52,385,000
2 Zootopia........................ $20,000,000
3 My B F Greek 2.................. $11,130,000
4 God's N Dead 2................... $8,104,321
5 Miracles F Heaven................ $7,550,000
6 Allegiant........................ $5,725,000
7 10 C Lane........................ $4,750,000
8 Meet T Blacks.................... $4,086,000
9 Eye I T Sky...................... $4,055,000
10 Deadpool.......................... $3,500,000

Second weekend for BvS and the audience has spoken -0 the film fell 68.4% from last week, when the studio predicted about a 58% fall. That B grade from Cinemascore was a good predictor of what the audience thought of the film - and a hyped fan audience predisposed to like the film thought it was okay, but not great. Though the critics can't make or break a big studio tentpole movie, they often give an indication of what word of mouth by the audience might be (the critics have seen the film, the audience hasn't seen it when they pay for their ticket... but afterwards?). When a film gets a critical drumming studios are quick to jump in and say that critics don't matter, but more often than not the film's second and third and subsequent weekends seem to point out that the critics might be right. You can "buy" an opening weekend, but after that it's up to the quality of the film - and, as we've seen in the past, some movies take a huge nosedive in their second weekend. Though 68.4% isn't terrible, it isn't what the studio needs to keep the film earning money with repeat viewings so that they can make back that massive budget. The film has also ran into some problems overseas in second weekend, specifically in China - where it may have already run its course! This does not bode well for WB's DC plans. The time has come not just to replace Snyder, but to show him to the Hollywood City Limits and tell him not to come back.

2) The Bizarre Story Of How SUPERMAN Got Made... The 1978 Version.

3) Pay To Play Acting - Is Screenwriting Next?

4) Brian De Palma Interviews Francis Ford Coppola About THE CONVERSATION. Holy Sh!t!!!

5) Ben Wheatley's HIGH RISE From Sketchbook To Movie.

6) John Carpenter's "Lost Themes 2"... And Rescoring THE THING.

7) STARMAN Remake I Thought Was April Fools Joke Appears To Be For Real... Maybe They'll Hire Carpenter To Score it?

8) Jim Parsons To Star In Movie About Women Scientists At NASA... because the women don't really matter in Hollywood?

9) Filmmaking Is All About Point Of View.

10) An EX MACHINA Reunion Movie?

11) SHARKNADO 4 News... and title.

12) If Strangers Talked To Everyone The Way They Talk To Writers.

And the Car Chase Of The Week:



Buy The DVDs




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