Monday, February 22, 2016

Lancelot Link: Box Office Battle Royale!

Lancelot Link Monday! Last week's new film was the vulgar and profane hard R rated DEADPOOL, and it broke all kinds of records. This week's big new film is the early Easter religious film RISEN... did it break records? Did it beat last week's film? As someone online said: "This is a battle for moviegoers souls!" Well, kinda. RISEN was released by a major studio (Columbia Pictures), directed by a major director (Kevin Reynolds, Kevin Costner's ROBIN HOOD, etc), stars a guy who has starred in hit movies (Joseph Fiennes, SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE), and opened on 2,915 screens. Add to that a huge publicicty push, tying the film to previous big Christian hit PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Oh, and block selling seats to church groups. Plus, DEADPOOL made so much money it's probably exhausted its audience, right? So... which one do you think won the weekend? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Deadpool........................ $55,000,000
2 Kung Fu Panda 3................. $12,500,000
3 Risen........................... $11,800,000
4 The Witch........................ $8,685,270
5 How To Be Single................. $8,220,000
6 Race............................. $7,275,000
7 Zoolander 2...................... $5,500,000
8 Star Wars TFA.................... $3,836,000
9 Revenant......................... $3,800,000
10 Hail Caesar....................... $2,640,000

Business is still booming in 2016!

2) MERMAID Opens In China With A $400m Weekend. Take That DEADPOOL!

3) RIP: Harper Lee.

4) The Real Maltese Falcon. I was talking about this a couple of weeks ago, it's the inspiration for the third Mitch Robertson story, which I will write whenever I get around to finishing the second one!

5) A Look At Hitchcock's SPELLBOUND.

6) Interview: Inarritu On REVENANT and BIRDMAN.

7) THE WITCH Screenwriter Robert Eggers On Research And Influences.

8) "It's THE MARTIAN With Mastadons! It's THE REVENANT With Sabertooth Tigers!"

9) The Athena List - Best Unproduced Female Lead Screenplays.

10) Paul Schrader's ROLLING THUNDER (with his brother Leonard).


12) Bing Predicts The Oscars (though Vanity Fair doesn't seem to think screenwriters matter)

And the Car Chase Of The Week:


Buy The DVDs




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