Monday, January 11, 2016

Lancelot Link: Let's Bash STAR WARS!

Lancelot Link Monday! You would think that THE FORCE AWAKENS was all about Jar Jar Binks from the backlash against the film. Though I think it has all kinds of problems - most of the same problems that other J.J.Abrams movies have - but is still enjoyable and much better than those three prequels. Which is why I don't understand why there is some movement to get Lucas to direct the next film in the series. I mean, WTF? If you could get the Lucas from STAR WARS and AMERICAN GRAFFITI that would be fine, but unless you have a time machine and some cloroform, we'd just end up with more endless scenes where the Senate discusses taxes like in the prequels. I think the best bet is to switch it up - and let someone else direct (Colin Trevorrow is currently signed). Remember how good EMPIRE STRIKES BACK was *without* Lucas? Though Trevorrow seems to have the same "original film sampling problem" as Abrams... is there anyone in Hollywood who will fight for originality? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a baker's dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Star Wars TFA................... $41,630,000
2 Revenant........................ $38,000,000
3 Daddy's Home.................... $15,000,000
4 Forest.......................... $13,088,000
5 Sisters.......................... $7,170,000
6 Hateful 8........................ $6,351,000
7 Big Short........................ $6,300,000
8 Road Chip........................ $5,500,000
9 Joy (Lemon Fresh)................ $4,500,000
10 Concussion....................... $3,050,000

2) THE FORCE AWAKENS & Non-Creativity - JJ's Excuses.

3) THE FORCE AWAKENS - More Backlash.

4) THE FORCE AWAKENS - Plot Holes.

5) Carrie Fisher On THE FORCE AWAKENS.

6) THE FORCE AWAKENS Toys - No Girls Allowed!

7) THE FORCE AWAKENS Box Office Where They Make The Toys.

8) Snoke - Taking a Toke While Skiing Or Darth Vader's Ghost?

9) Quentin Tarantino On FORCE AWAKENS Influence On HATEFUL EIGHT.

10) Kevin Spacey Now Heads Mini-Major Relativity - Wantsd To Be Called "Darth Spacey".

11) What Does Drug Lord El Chapo Think Of THE FORCE AWAKENS?

12) Can The Middle Return To Movies? The Force Of Mid-range Movies Awakens... 13) Complete List Of Golden Globe Winners Includes THE FORCE AWAKENS.

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

Snoke Is Jar Jar!


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