Monday, September 07, 2015

Lancelot Link: Labor Day

Lancelot Link Monday! There is a low budget horror flick named after almost every holiday, and Eli Roth managed to even do a silly trailer in the movie GRINDHOUSE called THANKSGIVING DAY which has killer Pilgrims. But where is the LABOR DAY horror film?

Though Labor Day is the unofficial end of "Hollywood Summer" it is actually a day where we honor hard working people... and it's a Federal Holiday which *used to mean* that nobody worked on Labor Day, and Labor had a day off. They could take a break that lasted longer than 10 minutes. But now, Labor Day is all about Labor Day Sales, which means the day we set aside to honor those people who work hard... ends up being the day those people have to *work harder* because of those sales. This makes no sense! Federal Holidays used to mean *EVERYTHING IS CLOSED* and now it means *EVERYTHING IS OPEN LONGER HOURS*.

I would vote for a Presidential Candidate who said they would make sure the CEO of any company who had stores open on Labor Day would be arrested and jailed. It ain't Management Day, buddy! While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 War Room................................... $9,350,000
2 Straight Outta ............................ $8,850,000
3 C. Walken & James Woods.......... $8,400,000
4 MI: Rogue Nation........................ $7,150,000
5 Transporter DeStathamed.......... $7,130,000
6 No Escape................................. $5,445,000
7 UNCLE..................................... $3,445,000
8 Un Gallo con Muchos Huevos....... $3,400,000
9 Sinister 2................................. $3,377,000
10 Inside Out................................ $3,146,000

That is one slow Labor Day Weekend! Last year was the slowest Labor Day Weekend in years... and it did better business than this year! GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY was still selling tickets late in its run. Must be everyone working over the holiday so that they can't go to the movies.

2) Universal Pictures Makes Even More Money This Summer.

3) Aretha Franklin Has No Respect For Documentary, Halts Screening.


5) TERMINATOR GENISYS' Success Is Made In China.

6) Ask The Fake Agent Ari!

7) Randall Wallace on writing BRAVEHEART.

8) First Footage From Malick's KNIGHT OF CUPS... turns out it is *not* a sequel to TWO GIRLS ONE CUP as we all thought.

9) More DREDD?

10) REAR WINDOW set built in miniature.

11) May The Force Be With Your Eye Shadow?

12) Seeing Red?

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

I was looking for a car chase scene with a woman giving birth, and couldn't find one! So no Labor Day Car Chase. Sorry!


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