Monday, September 14, 2015

Lancelot Link: Color Blind?

Lancelot Link Monday! What do the past 6 weekends have in common? Here are the three movies that topped the box office: STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTOPN, THE WAR ROOM, and THE PERFECT GUY. All three have African American casts. The old theory was that only Black people saw movies with Black leads, unless that lead was Denzel Washington. But these three films have either unknowns in the leads or second tier actors like Michael Ealy and Morris Chestnut. But all three have opened at #1 and then held onto that place (though this is the first weekend for PERFECT, it *did* beat M. Night Shyamalan's new movie which was heavily promoted). So here's the question: is the audience finally color blind? Do people not care about the skin color of the star and care more about the *story*? This is Michael Ealy's third movie in a row that has opened to $25 million or more domestic... doesn't that make him a star? He *does* have dreamy eyes. At what point does a studio cast someone like Ealy in a starring role, just because he's a good actor? When does Hollywood become color blind? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Perfect Guy..................... $26,700,000
2 Visit........................... $25,690,000
3 War Room......................... $7,400,000
4 Walk Woods....................... $4,620,099
5 MI: Rogue........................ $4,150,000
6 Straight Outta................... $4,090,000
7 No Escape........................ $2,879,000
8 Transporter...................... $2,700,000
9 90 Minutes....................... $2,160,911
10 Un Gallo......................... $1,900,000

2) RIP: Frank Gilroy Award Winning Screenwriter Whose Charles Bronson Movie FROM NOON 'TIL THREE Is A Personal Favorite.

3) Ridley Scott On THE MARTIAN and ALIEN.

4) The Lost Marx Brothers Movie?

5) Barefoot In Park City? Netflix Reunites Fonda & Redford.

6) Trailer For First Person Movie HARDCORE.

7) Lessons From David Fincher's GONE GIRL Commentary.

8) The Connection Between CHINATOWN And AMERICAN HUSTLE. (David O. Russell Interview)

9) Juliette Binoche Interview.

10) How Their Micro Budget Movie Ended Up In Best Buy & Walmart. Great lessons for DIY filmmakers.

11) Warriors, Come Out To Plaaaaay!

12) Creative Arts Emmy Winners (Full List).

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

Okay, not a car chase... but there is a car in the clip.


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