Monday, May 25, 2015

Lancelot Link: YesterdayLand

Lancelot Link Tuesday! TOMORROWLAND only did about half of what they expected it to do at the box office, and review after reviews points at the screenplay. You know, the one by the guy who rewrote a good script and turned it into PROMETHEUS. Here's the deal: on a big budget film, the writer often ends up a typing monkey for the director... but as a typing monkey part of your job is to make the notes work and find ways to sneak in some great material. Though Ridley Scott may have gone off the rails (look at his recent stuff), Brad Bird seems to be at the top of his game. He single handedly rescued the MISSION IMPOSSIBLE series and you can probably see my "movie boner" from space after the announcement of THE INCREDIBLES 2. So it's hard for me to believe that Bird gave crazy notes that turned TOMORROWLAND into crap. But maybe I'm wrong. The studio's crazy theory is that the audience doesn't want to see original movies, they only want to see sequels... hence, TOMORROWLAND "underperformed". Maybe that's true: maybe people only want to see movies with numbers in the title? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Tomorrowland.................... $32,972,000
2 Pitch Perfect 2................. $30,830,000
3 MM: FURY ROAD................... $24,815,000
4 Poltergeist..................... $22,600,000
5 Age Of Ultron................... $21,691,000
6 Age Of Adeline.................. $15,000,000
7 Hot Pursuit...................... $3,610,000
8 Furious 7........................ $2,232,000
9 That Other Tom Hardy Movie....... $2,200,000
10 You Only Blart Twice............. $1,875,000

Notice how many film had double digits this weekend! That has to be a record!

2) Daily Word Count Of 39 Famous Novelists. Just add yours to make it 40.

3) Cannes Winners.

4) Scorsese Talks Hitchcock... Best Scenes In PSYCHO.

5) How Many Hits Can We Have This Summer?

6) MAD MAX: FURY ROAD... The Stunts, And How Every Chase Is Different!

7) Furiosa's Stunt Woman's FURY ROAD Set Pictures!

8) MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Concept Art.

9) Next Film Is MAD MAX: THE WASTELAND (George Miller Interview).

10) Shane Black On Action Screenplays.

11) Legal Advice For Screenwriters.

12) Overcoming (Fury) Roadblocks To Creativity!

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

From the first MAD MAX movie... the one *before* ROAD WARRIOR.


Buy The DVDs




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