Monday, May 11, 2015

Lancelot Link: TV or Not TV?

Lancelot Link Monday! TV shows cancelled by the dozens! New shows announced! All of this while movies are breaking box office records! While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Age Of Ultron................... $77,203,000
2 Hot Pursuit..................... $13,300,000
3 Age Of Adeline................... $5,600,000
4 Furious 7........................ $5,272,000
5 Blart!........................... $5,190,000
6 Ex Machina....................... $3,470,000
7 Home............................. $3,000,000
8 Woman Gold....................... $1,652,000
9 Cinderella....................... $1,574,000
10 Unfriended....................... $1,412,000

2) Tom Hardy On Filling Mel Gibson's Shoes.


4) VACATION reboot Red Band Trailer.

5) AVENGERS: Age Of CGI Overkill?

6) The Science Of GAME OF THRONES!

7) Orson Welles Mercury Theater Archive.

8) The Real World Of Indie Film Distribution.

9) Professor X Is Bald In New X MEN movie...

10) How To Get Elijah Wood To Produce Your Film.

11) Trailers For NBC's New Shows.

12) A Sequel To The THREE STOOGES FILM flop? Elevated Genre Screenplays Meet Descended Genre Screenplays!

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

Yesterday was Mother's Day.


Buy The DVDs




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