Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Lancelot Link: LANCELOTUS 7

Lancelot Link Tuesday! FURIOUS 7 is on track to make at least a *billion* dollars by the end of its run. Death of the star and a new director (the great James Wan who is a *horror movie guy*) haven't put a dent in this franchise. It is Universal's superhero franchise. Don't you wonder how Dick Wolf feels about now? Buy The DVDs Yeah, Wolf is "Mr. NBC TV" now, with the LAW & ORDER franchise and now the CHICAGO FIRE/PD/MEDICAL franchise... but in the 80s he wrote a film called NO MAN'S LAND about a rookie cop who is sent undercover to join a car theft ring run by a charismatic criminal who loves driving fast, and thinks of his team as his family. Speaking of family, he has a hot sister that the young blond cop falls in love with, further complicating his undercover work. This script (and the film that was made from it) were filled with car chases and all kinds of cool car stunts. But, alas, it did just okay business... and is mostly forgotten now. D.B. Sweeny (Larry on TWO AND A HALF MEN) could have had a huge career... and the guy who played the charismatic gang leader who loved driving fast could have become a huge movie star... instead of *starring* in TWO AND A HALF MEN for a few seasons. What could have been! While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are fourteen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Actuals:
1 Furious 7...................... $147,187,040
2 Home............................ $27,011,303
3 Get Hard........................ $13,128,219
4 Cinderella...................... $10,178,750
5 Detergent....................... $10,126,715
6 It Follows....................... $2,513,459
7 Woman In Gold.................... $2,091,551
8 Kingsman......................... $1,808,652
9 Do You Believe................... $1,544,423
10 Second Best...................... $1,079,747

FURIOUS 7 only made $392 million worldwide over the weekend. That ranks it #9 in opening weekends of all time. And it had the misfortune of opening in April on Easter weekend. It broke all records for April, by the way. So, there will probably be an 8th movie, and I predict, like the second SHARKNADO movie, it will take place in New York City. You heard it here first! Box Office is ahead of last year, but only 14.2% ahead of 2013. So everything must be wrong with the Hollywood business model and the whole industry is obviously doomed. You picked the wrong year to be a screenwriter.

2) Your *BUT* Can Improve Your Story!

3) UK Action Writers? Here are a couple of UK action films, one written by friends of mine in the UK. (Congrats Bobby & Nathan!)

4) Unless Paul Giammatti plays Pooh and is *pantsless* for the entire movie, I will boycott this film!

5) SUPER TROOPERS 2... crowdfunded. Why?

6) JURASSIC WORLD Arbitration Saga Continues.

7) NBC Tries To Settle Unpaid Intern Lawsuit... for **much** less than minimum wage.

8) JURASSIC Credit Controversy.

9) Will Sir Isaac Newton's *nipples* be part of his costume?

10) Interview with Matthew Weiner on creating MAD MEN.

11) Interview with FAST & FURIOUS writer Chris Morgan.

12) Big Foot on Film (to celebrate Jamie Nash's EXISTS hitting Bluray!)

13) And EXISTS director talks about the film. 14) Storyboards from your favorite films.

And the Car Chase Of The Week:



Buy The DVDs


Always Be Prepared - If you met Spielberg in the grocery store, would you be prepared?
Dinner: People always eat Ham on Easter, which makes no sense... Jesus couldn't eat ham! So I had chicken.
Pages: 7 pages.
Bicycle: Nope. A short ride, but stuck around home and watched...

Movie: BEN HUR on DVD, which is two freakin' disks!

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