Monday, March 16, 2015

Lancelot Link: Fairy Tales About Shoes

Lancelot Link Monday! WIZARD OF OZ is about two women fighting over a pair of shoes. CINDERELLA is about a woman who falls in love with a man who brings her a shoe. They probably get married and she ends up The Old Woman Who Lives In A Shoe. Why are these stories always about shoes? Is that the key to cracking this market? Shoes? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Cinderella...................... $70,053,000
2 Run All Night................... $11,015,000
3 Kingsman......................... $6,200,000
4 Focus............................ $5,805,000
5 Chappie.......................... $5,800,000
6 Second Best...................... $5,700,000
7 Spongeworthy..................... $4,100,000
8 McFarland........................ $3,692,000
9 Am Sniper........................ $2,930,000
10 DUFF............................. $2,900,000

Box Office is *up* 4.4% over last year and 15.0% over 2013. Yeah, Hollywood is doomed and out of touch.

2) George RR Martin (GAME OF THRONES) On Storytelling (video)

3) Scott Frank lands a gig.

4) Francis Ford Coppola Discusses His Career With Robert Rodriguez.

5) Will It Still Be A Sailboat?

6) IT FOLLOWS director David Robert Mitchell interview.

7) TRAVIS McGEE casting.

8) Is Netflix The New Miramax?

9) STAR WARS gets a bluray release where Han Solo shoots first, and New Films get Titles!

10) THE CROW is cast... and it's this dude from an arthouse film I saw at Raindance!

11) No Budget High Concept Sci Fi.

12) What Are You Doing This Weekend? Why Not Make A Movie?

And the Cinderella Story Of The Week:



TODAY'S SCRIPT TIP: The Mind Of The Villain - How To Think Like A Badguy.
Dinner: Pizza.
Pages: Poking around on a script after finishing the book.
Bicycle: Short ride to NoHo Coldwater Starbucks.

Movie: That Farmer's Almanac Movie at the dollar theater.

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