Thursday, January 22, 2015

HOOK 'EM IN TEN Birthday Party!

A month ago, the 9th in my Blue Book expansion project was born! I know, it’s still in the crying and drooling stage... as am I. But why not celebrate anyway?

In lieu of gifts or money or a spanking, could you do me a favor and either write a review on Amazon on the new book or any of the other books you have not yet reviewed or post about one of the books on Twitter or Facebook or some other social media?

I’d love to have the book be #1 on Amazon in Screenwriting for Thursday through Monday. The whole weekend.

When I post a picture of one of my books next to some other book on FB, the other books all have hundreds of reviews... and mine have fewer than fifty! As Popeye would say: It’s embarrrasking! And someone said the other day that books with more than fifty (and then more than 100 reviews) get bumped onto the You May Like section, which helps keep the book in front of people.

Telling people about the books on social media helps inform people that the books exist without me doing my daily sledge hammer posts about where the books are in the rankings. Though, um, if the new book is #1 for the weekend, I may post about that. But this is about *all* of the books, so if the STORY Blue Book is your favorite... tell people!

Wait, you are thinking, what do we get? At a real birthday party, there would be cake!

I have no cake. But for anyone who buys a book over the weekend (Friday through Sunday) my short story and novella will be free...

And for those of you who already have those, the first of the Vintage Screenwriting Book series is coming out soon, and will be free for five days after it comes out. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you about it. So you will get a free full length book.

Thank you to all who help me celebrate this birthday!

Amazon says HOOK 'EM IN TEN is 312 pages. I watched a ton of movies so that I could use them as examples, and I think part of the fun with this book is seeing how many different ways there are to start a story. But I also looked at both GODFATHER movies to see how their first pages tick: GODFATHER is used to show how almost every character and plot thread get introduced at that first scene at the wedding. GODFATHER 2 is used to show how theme and motifs are established in the first 10 pages (which is really fast paced!). I also look at World Building, and use both CASABLANCA and INCEPTION as main examples (plus a bunch of sci fi movies). And there are a bunch of James Bond movies in the chapter on Teasers, along with some horror flicks. Mostly for fun I have a chapter on first lines of dialogue in movies, with hundreds of examples. Plus a dozen different basic ways to start your story... and page 1 kickers and page 10 kickers. Oh, and why an emotional opening is better than explosions.

When I first looked at expanding the old booklet version I was going to get rid of the last chapter, which was the first 8 pages of one of my screenplays that got me a ton of meetings... but the odd thing about an ebook is that it costs the same whether that chapter is there or not (no paper costs), so I left it in and let you decide to skip it or not.

<<< USA People, Click The Book Cover!

There's a dude with a series of screenwriting books around 20 pages for $2.99, and another dude with a screenwriting books in the 20 page range for $5... I can't imagine who buys those. I'm aiming for 200 pages (and overshoot to 312 pages) and am still selling the book for under $4.

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1 comment:

  1. By the way, after releasing pieces of your interview with Film Courage, they posted the full one hour interview today. I find them very informative.


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