Monday, December 15, 2014

Lancelot Link: Adrian Messenger Edition

Lancelot Link Monday! He's making a list and checking it twice, gonna find out whose naughty and nice, Franklin Leonard's Black List comes out today! The Black List is a list of best unproduced screenplays of the year, voted on by development execs from production companies and studios. Note that it's not The Best Unsold Screenplays... most of these have been sold and are heading towards production, just haven't been produced as of today. In honor of that, many of today's links feature lists. There's The Hit List, which is competition for the Black List, plus some other fun list links. When will someone do a list of Best Unsold Screenplays? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Exodus.......................... $24,500,000
2 MockingJay 1.................... $13,200,000
3 Penguins......................... $7,300,000
4 Top Five......................... $7,210,000
5 Big Hero......................... $6,145,000
6 Interstellar..................... $5,500,000
7 Horr Bosses 2.................... $4,630,000
8 Dumb Dumber 2.................... $2,757,000
9 Everything....................... $2,525,000
10 Wild............................. $1,550,000

2) Death Of The Midrange Movie

3) List Of The Best Undistributed Films Of 2014.

4) Add New Bond Script To List Of Stuff In Sony Hack.

5) List Of Every Episode of STAR TREK, Ranked.

6) 2014 Hit List (Screenplays).

7) The Black List 2014.

8) List Of 19 Worst Movies Of 2014.

9) List Of Golden Globe Nominations.

10) List Of Universal Blockbusters Released In 2014.

11) List Of Film Grants ($$$) You Can Apply For.

12) List Of Studios Al Pacino Wants To Work With...

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

Okay, more of a fox chase... from THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER, score by the amazing Jerry Goldsmith.


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