Monday, November 10, 2014

Lancelot Link: Hunt For The Blood Banana

Lancelot Link Monday! A week into NaNoWriMo... how are you doing? Even if you are way behind, keep going! Maybe this will just be NaNoDecWriMos in your case, but you will get something done! I suspect some of you may have been playing hooky from writing by going to the movies... this was a record weekend. In fact, we've been having a bunch of those lately! So why are there news stories about how Hollywood is in trouble? Is that just wishful thinking by sloppy entertainment news people who wish comic book movies weren't making so much money? While you're thinking about that, here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 Big Hero........................ $56,200,000
2 Interstellar.................... $50,000,000
3 Gone Girl........................ $6,100,000
4 Ouiji............................ $6,017,000
5 St. Vincent...................... $5,707,000
6 Nightcrawler..................... $5,512,000
7 Fury............................. $5,500,000
8 John Wick........................ $4,075,000
9 Alex Terrible.................... $3,495,000
10 Book Of Life..................... $2,800,000

2) DeNiro Eats Pasta For RAGING BULL: 20 Greatest Actor Transformations Of All Time.

3) Fellow Raindance Juror Edgar Wright's Top Film Influences.

4) *Mensa's* Most Scary Movies.

5) BATMAN Home Video?

6) How Likely Is It That You Will Make One MILLION Dollars In The Film Biz?

7) INTERSTELLAR Interview With Nolan & Cast.

8) Remove One Letter And It's An Entirely Different Movie.

9) The Young & Hungry List: Give 'em A Sandwich & Wait 'till They're Older!

10) PULP FICTION 20 Year Anniversary Panel Discussion.

11) Martin Scorsese On His career So Far.

12) They Have Already Given Out Some Oscars! Who Got 'em?

And the Car Chase Of The Week:

From BOLT.


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