Monday, June 16, 2014

Lancelot Link: Graduation Day!

Lancelot Link Monday! It pains me to say that there was no POLICE ACADEMY movie subtitled Graduation Day... this explains a lot about those films. They never graduated! Some of you reading this may have had kids who graduated last week, and some may have graduated last week. So here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are ten links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 22 Jump Street............ $60,000,000
2 Train Dragon 2............. $50,000,000
3 Maleficent..................... $19,008,000
4 Edge Of Tomorrow....... $16,175,000
5 Fault In Our Stars......... $15,725,000
6 X Men Days Of Futbol... $9,500,000
7 Godzilla........................... $3,155,000
8 A Million Ways .............. $3,077,000
9 Neighbors..................... $2,484,000
10 Chef............................. $2,276,000

2) Screenwriter John Logan on the next Bond film.

3) Are Movie Stars And Endangered Specied?

4) 10 Tips For Making Your Microbudget Feature.

5) Speaking Of Micro budgets: And Interview With Roger Corman.

2) ALIEN Concept Art.

7) Is Tarantino Playing With Blocks?

8) Screenwriting Isn't Writing? Say What?

9) Pixar's 22 Rules Of Story... The FREE Book!

10) THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK is a symmetrical movie.

And the Car Chase Of The Week!



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