Friday, March 21, 2014

Fridays With Hitchcock: Book Deal!

A ticking clock sale worthy of Hitchcock!

It's not a bomb under the table and two guys talking about baseball, nor is it a bucket of champagne bottles dwindling one by one... it's an Amazon Countdown Deal where the price starts low and then goes higher every day! Starting SATURDAY! The faster you act, the less you pay.

Click here for more info!


We all know that Alfred Hitchcock was the Master Of Suspense, but did you know he was the most *experimental* filmmaker in history?

Contained Thrillers like “Buried”? Serial Protagonists like “Place Beyond The Pines”? Multiple Connecting Stories like “Pulp Fiction”? Same Story Multiple Times like “Run, Lola, Run”? This book focuses on 18 of Hitchcock’s 53 films with wild cinema and story experiments which paved the way for modern films. Almost one hundred different experiments that you may think are recent cinema or story inventions... but some date back to Hitchcock’s *silent* films! We’ll examine these experiments and how they work. Great for film makers, screenwriters, film fans, producers and directors.

Films Examined: “Rear Window”, “Psycho”, “Family Plot”, “Topaz”, “Rope”, “The Wrong Man”, “Easy Virtue”, “Lifeboat”, “Bon Voyage”, “Aventure Malgache”, “Elstree Calling”, “Dial M for Murder”, “Stage Fright”, “Champagne”, “Spellbound”, “I Confess”, and “The Trouble with Harry”, with glances at “Vertigo” and several others.

Professional screenwriter William C. Martell takes you into the world of The Master Of Suspense and shows you the daring experiments that changed cinema. Over 77,000 words.

Click here for more info!


1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great resource for my contained thriller project!

    Right now I'm just collecting similar films. But hopefully, I can go in to dissecting the psychology behind the tension, tick tocks, and use of cinematic space!

    Your post just encourages me more. Thanks!


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