Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Lancelot Link: Jet Lagged Again!

Lancelot Link Thursday! Okay, I'm back from London, still getting over jet lag, and typing up some reviews from Raindance (I'm going to run the whole fest in order - which will be a little weird.) Here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are eight links plus this week's car chase...

1) Diablo Cody on The Pitfalls Of Being A Successful Screenwriter.

2) Easy Joe's 10 Golden Rules Of Screenwriting.

3) Quentin Tarantino's Top 10 Films of 2013.

4) Gavin Hood on ENDER'S GAME.

5) GRAVITY Proves Original Screenplays *Rule*!

6) Julian Fellowes forced to defend his story - everyone's a critic!

7) Thinking of chucking screenwriting and writing YA novels? Think again!

8) Concept designs for Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN.

And the car chase of the week...

- Bill

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