Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Me And Julian Assange

Just got back from the Portland Film Festival and I will begin posting reviews of the films and shorts as soon as I type them up. It was a fun film festival, with a great outdoor venue for many of the films. Here's a picture of it:

At the end of the month I'm off to the Raindance Film Festival in London to teach some classes (if you are in the UK, come on down!)) and be on the jury again. I always love going to Raindance, the films are always interesting... and many pop up as examples in my articles and Blue Books. In addition to the great movies, this year I have an interesting fellow juror... Julian Assange! (Assange On Raindance Jury) Weird, huh? As usual, I'll be blogging about the film festival and movies *here*, so stay tuned!

- Bill

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