Thursday, August 01, 2013

Lancelot Link: The Cradle Of Life

Lancelot Link Thursday! SHARKNADO is playing midnight shows on Friday... is this the end of the world? Here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Women In Cinema.

2) 2 Sentence Horror.

3) 30 Twist Endings (spoilers).

4) Writer's Block?

5) The Awesome Lem Dobbs Interviewed

6) Martin Scorsese On Cinema.

7) The Awesome-But-Depressing Paul Schrader Interviews on making a "micro budget" $200k movie.

8) 5 Successful Movies Made For Under $30k.

9) Billy Wilder Interview Part 1

10) Billy Wilder Interview Part 2

11) Billy Wilder Interview Part 3

12) And now for our own twist ending - the patterns behind various films. Pretty scary stuff!

And the car chase of the week...

- Bill

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