Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lancelot Link: The Wrath Of C.H.U.M.P.

Lancelot Link Thursday! This is STAR TREK weekend... and I wonder what will happen with GATSBY and IRON MAN 3? No matter what - Hollywood's Summer is HERE! It was 103 degrees for a couple of days in Los Angeles, too. Here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) What You Need To Know About STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS (and they don't tell you that the villain is Harry Mudd!)

2) Writing For STAR TREK - the original TV series!

3) *Everyone* gets rejected. Everyone.

4) When You Do Get Published, Other Writers Dump On You.

5) Drew Pearce, co-writer of IRON MAN 3... and a *stack* of other films!

6) Roger Deakins On Cinematography.

7) What's Hot At Cannes?

8) WILD BUNCH remake? What will they remake next?

9) The Film No One Wants To Be Associated With?

10) Co-Writer Nightmares - He Steals Your Script And Sells It And It Becomes A Hit Film!

11) Q&A With Mystery Novelist Walter Mosley.

12) Read A Script A Week? Here's a good list.

Not a car chase...

- Bill

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