Monday, April 01, 2013

Reno Class in April

After doing my 2 day class at some film festivals and teaching classes at several screenwriting events, it finally occurred to me that I could just do a class on my own. This took a few years, by the way - I'm dumber than I look. Through a connection, I made a deal with a hotel in Lake Tahoe that was right across from both the mansion used in GODFATHER PART 2 and the CalNeva Casino where Sinatra and the Rat Pack were a regular feature. Cool!

I did a two hour "warm up" class for the Reno Screenwriting Group a couple of days before, and many members of that group took the two day class.

The last time I did the 2 day class "for myself" was maybe 2007 at the Beverly Garland Hotel a couple of blocks from where I live. I still do classes for film fests and whatever screenwriting events that still exist, but haven't done a class that was just me in the USA since 2007...

So when the Reno Screenwriting Group asked if I would be a guest at their April meeting - and do it as a full day class, I said yes. What goes around comes around. They have opened it up to the public (probably as a way to get some new members), so here is their flyer with all of the info.

- Bill


  BILL MARTELL              
            Saturday, April 13, 2013
      Reno, Nevada

Bill has written over nineteen produced films, including three HBO Premier movies, is the West Coast Editor of Scr(i)pt Magazine’s Independents screenwriting column, is a contributor to Writer's Digest Magazine and a past columnist for Hollywood Scriptwriter Magazine.  He’s been interviewed by Variety, featured in The Hollywood Reporter’s first Writers Special issue, and continues to teach around the world.

This day-long seminar is presented in two parts for both beginning and advanced screenwriters.  Attend either session – or BOTH!

   AM Session                        SO YOU WANT TO WRITE A SCREENPLAY?

8:30am -12:00pm             ...Introduction to Screenwriting            ...Protagonist vs Antagonist
     $45.00*                      ...Story Ideas and Formatting              ...Plot & Premise
(lunch not included)         ...Character Introductions                   ...First 10 Pages     

  PM Session                           YOU'RE ON YOUR WAY... NOW WHAT?    

1:00pm-5:00pm                ...Developing Characters                    ...Improving Dialogue
     $45.00*                     ...Getting Emotions on the Page          ...Transitions
(lunch not included)         ...Act II Development                          ...Pitching & Selling
                                       ...Q & A Session

BOTH SESSIONS*         Discount and lunch for those who pre-register for
     $80.00*                                      both sessions by April 7th,2013 !    

LOCATION:           KNPB Studios, University of Nevada-Reno, Reno Campus                                       1670 North Virginia Street (at Seventeenth Street), Reno, NV

TO REGISTER:     Send your name, address, phone number, session(s) you want to attend and your check (made payable to Pam Dulgar), to:
                             Pam Dulgar 
                                                3581 La Tierra Terrace
Reno, NV  89502-5936

QUESTIONS?       For additional information, please call (775) 827-2808.

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