Thursday, September 27, 2012

They Aren't All Depressing

It's the end of day 2 of the festival and I have fallen behind on my reports - but I thought I'd mention that I've seen some great films... and full reviews will follow.

The opening night film was a very disturbing horror film from Mexico called HERE COMES THE DEVIL, and it was not at all depressing... though after seeing it you will never trust anyone again.

I saw a pair of docs from the same "label" - one on a wrestler in Scotland and one on skin bleaching in Jamaica - though the skin bleaching thing is kind of scary, the people were not depressed or morose. The wrestling doc was funny and uplifting.

And I also saw an amazing film - HOW DO YOU WRITE A JOE SCHERMANN SONG? - which is a musical... but not like CATS. It plays again on Monday at 1pm, and if you're around - go see it! It's a strange hybrid of indie film and Broadway musical, and you'll laugh, you'll fall in love, you'll cry, and you'll end up with some of the songs stuck in your head. The amazing thing about the film: funded with a Kickstarter program and made for pocket change. I didn't know that when I saw the movie, and just assumed that it cost much much more than it did - looks like a much bigger film. 

Story in a nutshell: struggling songwriter teaches music and plays for auditions and does anything else to make a buck, lives with a struggling actress who does Princess Parties and anything else to make a buck - and both are *fighting* for their big break. Songwriter's oldest friend tells him that it's a numbers game, and you only need *one person* to see your talent and give you that break that starts your career. 

Reviews to come! 

- Bill

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