Sunday, April 08, 2012

Tuesday Webinar!

On Tuesday I am doing a webinar for Final Draft on action screenwriting - part of their ongoing series of insiders with lessons on the biz. Last week was Chris (CE) from WME.

Stuff I'm supposed to talk about:

The most important element of your action or thriller script: The Villain’s Plan

Why you need an active villain ... or your story is dead

Making your villains’s plan unpredictable and exciting

The mistake of multiple villains ... and the ladder of henchmen

Heroes: supermen vs every man -- which choice is right for your story?

How to create bad-ass lead characters -- from Chuck Norris to Haywire.

Mirror images and flip sides -- the hero/villain relationship

Bad guy leads -- can my hero be a villain?

Creating high-concept action scenes

How to make your action scenes also character scenes

Found weapons and the Naked Kill System

Reversals and suspense and gags

In just over an hour? I'll be lucky to cover half of that! But that is my goal, and I plan to use some new examples (maybe 21 JUMP STREET) so you won't get bored.

Click for info: Final Draft Webinar!

- Bill

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