Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Darth Vader on the NYC subway

From 4 years ago...

I may have posted this before, it's from Improv Everywhere. They posted an April Fools clip where Jar Jar Binks gets the beat up on the subway a few days ago, which wasn't fun to watch. (As much as I dislike Jar Jar, I don't want to see him get beaten the crap out of.) This clip is fun...

- Bill

TODAY'S SCRIPT TIP: When You Want To Hurt The World - and James Bond movies.
Dinner: Hawaiian BBQ chicken.
Pages: Saturday - not much sleep or writing, Sunday - not much sleep again, but I did some outline work.
Bicycle: Good rides on both Sat & Sunday - though both days were overcast and I feared rain.
Movies: SOURCE CODE and INSIDIOUS and SUPER... was going to see BATTLE: LA, too but was tired.

1 comment:

  1. How come I never see cool shit like this on the subway? It's all bad music pouring out of ipods, crazy bible thumpers and disgusting spitters/nail clippers...


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