Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lancelot Link Thursday

Lancelot Link Thursday! For those of you who think 12 MONKEYS would have been better with an additional monkey, here are some articles about screenwriting and the biz that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are five cool links plus this week's car chase...

1) 5 Hollywood Secrets That Explain Why Movies Suck! (you already knew one of them)

2) How to *Guarentee* your sit-com gets cancelled!

3) Oscar Winning Screenwriter Vs. Scientology - also tons of backstory on Paul Haggis.

4) 11 Biggest Movie Flops Of All Time - I didn't write *any* of them!

5) Aaron Sorkin on Screenwriting.

6) And today's car chase...

Okay, it's a boat chase... but I'm slowly easing you into accepting the Big Wheel Chase clip I have.

- Bill

TODAY'S SCRIPT TIP: When The Hero Runs Out Of Time and a couple of Denzel films.
Dinner: Airport food.
Pages: Travel day.

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