Friday, September 17, 2010

4 Minutes Of Video:
2 Min Hitchcock, 2 Min Me

Sound comes to film, and the first British sound film was directed by Hitchcock... he also produced a "variety film" ELSTREE CALLING that showcased sound - musical numbers, etc... and includes this Hitchcock directed short - under 2 minutes...

At Great American Pitchfest I got ambushed by cute Deb from Write On! who asked if she could interview me. On camera. I said "sure" and was one of several people she grabbed and interviewed - which is cool. She has all kinds of great things on her site. My interview was maybe 10 minutes, cut down to these 2 minutes...

Note that the cycling has resulted in my losing a little weight: picture that starts the interview was from about a year ago.

- Bill

1 comment:

  1. Looking Good Bill, cycling suits you! Big fan of this site and of your blue books. building up my collection as budget allows. are you going to reprint your book? Thanks for all the tips and help, please keep it up


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