Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Heading Home Today

Not home to Los Angeles, home to Concord, CA. There's a class reunion, and a bunch of old friends to hang out with. Plus, some ground work to be done on the movie project that I thought I'd be filming this month... but instead I got these damned paying gigs writing screenplays!

On Friday Hitchcock will return with SUSPICION, and there are some more new blog entries on the way (thought I would have one finished for today... but all kinds of last minute stuff to take care of before I go.)

The plan for this month is to finish the book rewrite.

Meanwhile: Opening this weekend is SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD, which is wild fun. Tomorrow's links will include the posters for fake movies from the film, and Edgar let slip that his next film will be one of them!

Monday I went over the hill to the Sunset 5 to see THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ALICE CREED - and if you want to see how to make a great low budget movie, this is the perfect example. Three actors total. Most of it takes place in an apartment. Two guns. Two handcuffs. Two kidnappers. One victim. And who is really in power changes minute-by-minute. The films has all kinds of twists and suspense - and telling you anything about it other than the basic concept would spoil it.

Two ex-cons kidnap the 20 something daughter of a rich guy.

Sounds boring, but that's because I can't tell you anything without revealing all of the twists and reversals.

One great thing about this movie - nothing is ever easy for any of the characters. If it can go wrong, it will. And the film is so detail oriented that it becomes fun to try and figure out what will happen because of that dropped object... because something *will* happen. If a character puts his car keys on the table instead of the hook, that will lead to all kinds of problems later on. Movie opens with a *long* silent passage where the two kidnappers prepare - it builds and builds and builds! Then they snatch the girl. Great stuff.

Playing "selected cities" now, so catch it if you can. May also be a VOD title you can stream.

Now, on to the I-5 and cow poop.

- Bill

TODAY'S SCRIPT TIP: Lame Confessions - Bad Exposition, and that evil co-star Prompter Exposition.
Dinner: El Pollo Loco in NoHo - breast & wing, black beans, corn.
Bicycle: Medium.
Pages: Putzed around on an action spec.

1 comment:

  1. There is next to nothing interesting or special about The Disappearance of Alice Creed.

    It's basically a glorified stage play, a tense crime drama about a kidnap victim and her two captors.


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