Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Mystery Man On Film

It was reported over on Scott Myer's great blog GO INTO THE STORY that Mystery Man On Film has passed away. It's kind of a strange situation, since Mystery Man was, well, a mystery. Nobody knew who he was... even if it was a he. He was great at analyzing films and screenplays, and could find hidden things that seemed obvious once he pointed them out. A genius.

He was a friend of this blog and my website, often linking one of my tips or articles in his blog. He wrote for Script Magazine instead of the other guys - and donated all of his earnings to charity. He was interested in movies and screenplays, not money. I didn't agree with everything he wrote, but I don't agree with everything anyone writes. He had amazing insight into what makes a screenplay work.

I could keep typing about how great he was, but his words live on:

Mystery Man's Top 101 Articles.

He will be missed.

- Bill

TODAY'S SCRIPT TIP: DVD Explosion! - and how theatrical releases are just commercials.
Dinner: City Wok tomato beef with brown rice.
Bicycle: A couple of blocks.
Pages: Still recovering from Santa Fe.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Yeah, sad to hear. One of the two most famous "unknown" gurus helping us out, the other being The Unknown Screenwriter


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