Monday, February 01, 2010

This Is Not Conflict, Nor Drama

Monty Python's I'M HERE FOR AN ARGUMENT...

You know how many screenplays I've read that have scenes like that? How many movies I've seen that have scenes like that? Not comedy scenes - I'm talking about scenes that were supposed to be dramatic. You don't want junk conflict, you want conflict that is part of your story and moving your story forward.

- Bill

TODAY'S SCRIPT TIP: The Balance - and those TERMINATOR movies... all 4 of them.
Yesterday's Dinner: Burgers at Burger King.
Pages: Saturday - 5 rockin' pages on an old spec I want to get finished and Sunday - 3 pages, but I'm still going!


  1. Brilliant sketch! Thanks for retrieving it.

  2. Star Wars Episode Two comes to mind.

    I love you. No you don't. Yes I do. No you don't. Okay fine no I don't. Yes you do.


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