Monday, February 08, 2010

I'm #3!

My script VOLATILE came in 3rd in the Script Shadow contest - over 1,000 entries and 25 finalists.


I was sure I'd come in #24.

Hey, maybe this may get some agents or managers or dentists to the stars interested...

Congratulations to the winner and #2 script... and all of the others in the contest! There were some amazing loglines.

Thanks to Carson and everyone else involved...

And now I have to get back to work on a script.

- Bill


  1. Congrats Bill, Scriptshadow's got a lot of buzz around it these days, hope it brings good things your way!

  2. Well done Bill! Will the script be posted with the review?

  3. A writer like Bill should be represented by now and writing "A" pictures. I don't get it. I mean, Bill has 19 film credits!!!
    You should not have to enter a competition to illicit interest. You are Bill Martell! Crazy business, crazy.


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