Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So, there may be some blog entries over the next few days and there may not. Both Script Secrets and the blog are one holiday until January 4th. Script Secrets has a tip for all of these days, but they are older ones and you must manually click on them. Here on the blog, if something amazing happens I may post... but most likely not.

- Bill


  1. Merry Christmas Bill.

    I've enjoyed listening to your Horror CD and reading your tips throughout the year.

    Will get some holiday cheer in me and talk shit with a gang of local filmmakers tonight...

    All the best for 2010.


  2. Enjoy your break, and thanks for all the tips, movie analyses and stories this past year.

  3. Merry Xmas Bill. Hope you have a great holiday, and thanks for all the posts you've done.

    p.s. Did I miss a blog about Avatar?

  4. Have not seen Avatar yet - so it's coming!

    - Bill


Thanks to porn spam, I am closing comments on each post after 7 days.