Monday, December 07, 2009

I Am Scum

Have you ever picked up some awful movie on DVD and found it filled with extras like director's commentaries and behind the scenes stuff from the world premiere? And you wondered just what the director says for 90 minutes of crap film? Excuses? "Perfect!" Details about how he got that shot of the plastic space ship on the obvious string & stick in his mom's backyard?

Here is the Making Of special feature from one of the worst films ever made, CHILDREN ON SCUM...

Children of Scum: A Retrospective from Danny Grossman on Vimeo.

Today - meeting on a project. I'll do an entry soon about all of this.

Potential Oscar Scripts

- Bill


  1. Hilarious. I almost went to imdb to see if it was an actual film until the pizza guy looked a little too familiar...

  2. Pizza delivery guy Bill.
    A man of few words but many toppings.

    I am scum, the Musical -
    Momma doesn't love me,
    never knew my daddy,
    you will hear my sorrow,
    in accents that I borrow.

    Richard J. McKenzie


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