Friday, June 05, 2009

We've Come A Long Way, Baby!

Swiped this off today's Time Magazine site.

When people ask me what my favorite Woody Allen movie is, I do not answer MANHATTAN or any of the serious ones... I answer BANANAS. It has about as many gags-per-minute as AIRPLANE! (which is a lot) and also managed to be topical and political and about heated toilet seats and Fidel Castro. But one of the scenes has been remade as a Bud Light commercial, which was deemed too dirty for TV (even though the 1971 movie probably plays on TV frequently), so it's available on the good old internet!

This scene from BANANAS (1971)...

Clearly inspired this Bud Light Commercial (now) that is too racy to show on TV and even gets blurred and bleeped on the internet!

We've come a long way, baby... Not!

- Bill


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    a 2 minute beer ad would never run anywhere anyways... imagine the cost?.. nice fake though

  2. I've never seen that Bud "commercial" before - very cute. I laughed.

  3. My favorite Woody Allen flick = Love and Death. To me that was the perfect balance between pure refreshing silliness and touching on deeper themes within the framework of a madcap comedy.

  4. Was probably designed to be cut into pieces - when GF shows, etc.

  5. How very dare you!

  6. Above link doesn't have automatic click, but it's a great variation on the consumer-humiliation idea - check it out:


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