Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Please Be Careful!

Just saw this on the news, and it's kind of disturbing. I know that many of you folks are too busy writing to watch the news, so you may have missed all of these events when they happened. When I was riding my bike last night, I thought I may have seen one of these escapees...

- Bill


  1. I'm pretty sure a couple of them live across the street, from me.

    They're very noisy, but... you know... who wants to complain to dangerous monsters?

  2. The boyfriend has nine guns and I have been stockpiling bladed weapons and canned food.

    We are ready.

  3. I still think this is one of the best marketing strategies I've seen, it's right up there with the Blair Witch "These kids are really missing" Project. Definitely going to see this.

    The beauty of the marketing is that it depends on everyone playing along and pretending that it's real...


    I'm frightened too! They're not like me! Kill them! Etc etc.

  4. Taking a page from the Cloverfield playbook -- or maybe the whole playbook.


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