Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions

JJ Abrams kicks Ray Manzarek's ass on the boards in this Shamberg song from the MTV Movie Awards about action movie explosions. I had to post it here eventually - it's all about action movies...

- Bill


  1. Wow. Does Sanberg ever look like Sidney Crosby (Capt. of the Pittsburgh Penguins)!

    Did you hear that Robert Rodriguez's MACHETE starts shooting in 5 weeks.

    What are your thoughts on the Grindhouse actioner?

  2. Be good to read some of your thoughts on Tarantino's INGLORIOUS BASTERDS, either in the magazine, or preferably on the blog, seeing as it's coming out very soon...

    Also, interested in your thoughts on PELHAM 123.


Thanks to porn spam, I am closing comments on each post after 7 days.